Ligue 2: FC Lorient displays its ambition

© Iconsport

“In two years, the club will be centenary and we want to celebrate it in Ligue 1”

Loïc Ferry in L’Équipe: “On is quite clear. In relation to the workforce and the budget, the objective is to return to Ligue 1 as soon as possible. Not within two years. Laurent Abergel wants to return to Ligue 1 immediately, Olivier Pantaloni wants to return to Ligue 1 immediately, Loïc Féry wants to return to Ligue 1 immediately (…) In two years, the club will be centenary and we want to celebrate it in Ligue 1. This is why we are keeping a Ligue 1 club infrastructure and why jobs will be protected. I am extremely motivated and determined to bring FC Lorient back into the elite as quickly as possible and continue to maintain this extraordinary enthusiasm.”

A big budget in perspective

“If there are no arrivals or departures, the expenses budget for the season would be €72 or €73 million. The objective is to bring it down to between €45 and €50 million.”

FC Lorient will therefore be a serious competitor for accession to Ligue 1.

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