At 23, this resident of Meaux is preparing to do the Tour de France… by plane

At 23, this resident of Meaux is preparing to do the Tour de France… by plane
At 23, this resident of Meaux is preparing to do the Tour de France… by plane


Audrey Gruaz

Published on

June 29, 2024 at 8:30 a.m.

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At the age when little boys play cars or ball in the playground, Vincent Schaltenbrand dreamed of pilot a plane. At 15, the young resident of Meaux (Seine-et-Marne) piloted alone for the first time, then got his BIAthe aeronautical initiation certificate, with honors. With his scientific baccalaureate in his pocket, he moved towards a BTS in aeronautics in work-study. Registered at CFA for aviation professionshe spends half his time in class and the other half in the offices of Air France Industrie where he learns how to maintain the national airline’s engines.

“During my BTS, I participated in the aircraft modification project to make them less noisy “, underlines the young man who slips: “with my class, we won first prize at the Paris Air Show with this project. It was the best day of my life!” 5 years later, the enthusiasm is still palpable when he recalls this memory.

“I dream of this pilot’s position”

After his BTS, he is looking to study aviator, “I was ready to take out a loan to finance them but the health crisis blocked everything”. He then decides to enter l’ENAC, the National School of Civil Aviation, but after Covid, the aeronautical industry is at half mast and the doors are closing… until an interview with Airbus managers who appreciate his enthusiasm and decide to trust him . Direction Toulouse for 3 years to become an engineer. “I was able to work on projects to improve aircraft performance,” explains the young pilot, who graduated in 2023.

He doesn’t intend to stop there, however. He now wants to integrate ENAC pilot to become an aviator. He has already started to finance his airline pilot training, “I dream of this place”.

While waiting to become an aviator, Vincent Schaltenbrand is preparing to participate in Aerial tour of young pilots organized by the French Aeronautical Federation.

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“This event takes place every two years. There will be 45 of us taking the start in Belfort on July 13,” explains the young man, who quickly adds:

it’s not a plane ride with 45 young people burning gasoline. We will be ambassadors of light aviation.

Vincent Schaltenbrand

At each of the six stages of the Aerial Tour, the pilots will stay two to three days at the airfield which welcomes them to interact with curious people, eager to learn more about piloting, as well as with aviation enthusiasts. “I could talk with them about the development of aviation, which has initiated a transition to reduce its carbon emissions,” assures Vincent Schaltenbrand, who is very engaged on this subject. Moreover, electric planes will accompany them on this tour of France.

Evaluate on their abilities

This aerial tour of young pilots is also a competition. During each stage, the drivers will be graded on theoretical and practical tests. In particular, they will have to successfully complete an aerial rally which consists of an orienteering race: “before taking off, we will have a few minutes to look at and memorize photos of a point to find on the ground. You have to be the most precise to fly over this point and win the stage. We will also be evaluated on our precision navigation and maneuverability. The last point will be interaction with the public, that’s my strong point, I love talking about my passion! »

Environ 160 pilots applied to this air tour, and 45 have been selected. In addition to the skills that pilots must mobilize, this tour is also an investment. Even if one of the sponsors is none other than Total Energies, the company covering the cost of fuel, registering for this event is not neutral. Starting with the plane that Vincent Schaltenbrand will have to rent to participate.

“I estimated the cost of the Aerial Tour at €4,000, that’s why I looked for sponsors like the Meaux Lions Club who agreed to support me,” he explains, while thanking also the UPCF, the flying club which allowed him to become a pilot. “I still remember arriving here with my first paycheck to pay for my first hours of piloting,” a moving memory that he will take with him on July 13 when he takes off from Belfort.

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