“Shh, it’s a secret”: the Philéas Fogg of Villeneuve-sur-Lot launches its Éphémères this Sunday in Pujols

“Shh, it’s a secret”: the Philéas Fogg of Villeneuve-sur-Lot launches its Éphémères this Sunday in Pujols
“Shh, it’s a secret”: the Philéas Fogg of Villeneuve-sur-Lot launches its Éphémères this Sunday in Pujols

the essential
Mélodie and Jérôme from Philéas Fogg, a well-known establishment on Boulevard Georges-Leygues, have joined forces with Alain Besse from Villa Smeralda in Pujols to launch a new local entertainment project: Les Éphémères.

“This idea came to us thanks to our experiences. We know how to manage an evening, the food, the drinks and cocktails, the music…, the whole organization of a festive moment. In short, all the ingredients to have a great evening” explains Jérôme, head of Philéas Fogg. And like everyone else, they realized the lack of catering options on Sunday evenings in the area, especially during the summer period.

“We then launched the idea of ​​creating evenings, with music, aperitifs, cocktails, plancha in improbable, atypical places. But always with the authorization of the owners of the place. We can occupy the terrace of a restaurant closed this that day, settle down in the courtyard of a residence, a local castle, a vineyard, a farm… “.

A launch party in Pujols, at the Villa Smeralda

The possibilities are almost endless as the territory is full of resources, which are not necessarily well known, both to tourists and locals. “Our goal is to offer something additional, to raise awareness of places, professions, operations, and all this in connection with the owners of the place.”

For this first production of Éphémères from its Big Summer Party, the launch party takes place on Sunday at Villa Smeralda in Pujols, in the old village. A restaurant well known to gourmets but closed on Sundays. “For this launch evening, we approached 2 well-known figures from the regional scenes, Low Input, a group made up of Thomas Sarrodie and Sylvain Blanquiot. The evening is planned from 6 p.m. and should last until 11 p.m. h 30. On site, we will offer what we know how to do, food and cocktails.

One of the common points between the 3 instigators of this project, “planned to occur once a month during this first summer, and always on Sunday”, is the transmission of their passion and their know-how. “By organizing these ephemeral evenings where music, art and conviviality meet, we want to create unique moments.” For the next evening, “we don’t know yet, but we are in discussions with 2 or 3 unlikely places”.

In the meantime, ideas are developing in the heads of Mélodie, Jérôme and Alain. “But for now, it’s too early to talk about it.” Shh, it’s a secret.



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