Faced with rising sea levels, Caen is reviewing its plans

Faced with rising sea levels, Caen is reviewing its plans
Faced with rising sea levels, Caen is reviewing its plans

Ten years of detailed studies, consultations galore, gallons of brain juice and then stop. In June 2023, the urban community of Caen unexpectedly put a stop to the construction of its eco-district on the peninsula. On paper, the project labeled “of major interest” by the State looked great. On a 30-hectare strip of wasteland bordered on one side by a canal leading to the sea and on the other by a coastal river, 2,500 homes and almost as many business premises were to be built a stone’s throw from William the Conqueror’s castle. The whole thing was elegant, well-designed and met the highest environmental standards.

But then, crash. The upward revision of the IPCC’s predictions on rising sea levels suddenly darkened the horizon. The elected officials had to face the facts. Everything suggests that all or part of the site will turn into a swamp in the more or less long term. Margins were taken in the initial project but everything is accelerating “, is forced to note Emmanuel Renard, vice-president of the agglomeration in charge of urban planning. Hence the decision of the mayor of Caen to send the excavators back to the garage and the developers to their business. ” I acted responsibly so as not to create an additional challenge for future generations “, Joël Bruneau told us last summer.

A 180 degree turn

A year later, the urban community has not given up on developing the peninsula which has become, over the years, a sort of no man’s land that is not very inviting for customers. But its elected officials are reviewing their plans from top to bottom. Forgotten the apartments with a view of the canal, the waterfront restaurants and the tram line which was to serve the area. “ We’re redirecting the project while there’s still time », summarizes Nicolas Jewel, deputy mayor, at The gallery. Redirect it but to where? This is the question that now arises in microcosm.

As a guide, the city’s executive commissioned a hydraulic study across the entire estuary, the results of which should be available in two years. Being cautious, he counted on a rise in sea levels of 1.80 meters “ higher than the projections of the High Council for the Climate ” In the meantime, there is no longer any question of colossal works on the site of the former eco-district.

In search of models

Joël Bruneau has just kicked off (for 5.8 million euros) the development of an urban park with tree-lined paths, alluvial forests, benches and public esplanades. All on just under 8 hectares on the edge of the canal and the terminal and the cruise terminal. “ It is sober and qualitative and does not jeopardize possible futures “, underlines Thibaud Tiercelet, director of the public company for the development of the peninsula which is piloting the operation with the Nantes landscaper Phytolab.

As for the twenty or so hectares that will remain fallow, it would be very difficult to say what will become of them at this stage. The entire economic model of the ZAC needs to be reviewed since we will continue to have expenses and the revenue box will be missing. ” anticipates Emmanuel Renard. It is indeed difficult to imagine giving land to real estate developers that could be submerged under water within a few decades.

Also, the urban community is thinking about other depreciable models “ over 30, 40 or 50 years »: hotels, restaurants, student residences, leisure areas… « It is likely that we will move towards transitional town planning with temporary occupation authorizations rather than transfers. », argues Nicolas Joyau. For his part, the urban community’s urban planner wants to believe that the project will ultimately emerge as a textbook case. “ Caen can become a pioneer city in what we call ecological redirection “, he assures. Noted.



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