In Aix-en-Provence, the Macronist candidate maintains herself against all odds

In Aix-en-Provence, the Macronist candidate maintains herself against all odds
In Aix-en-Provence, the Macronist candidate maintains herself against all odds

Outgoing MP in Aix-en-Provence who came in third place, Macronist Anne-Laurence Petel has decided to remain in the fourteenth constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône, supported according to her by Gabriel Attal, and despite strong pressure to withdraw, notably from Olivier Faure.

The Figaro Marseille

A walker from the very beginning, elected in the fourteenth constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône since 2017, Anne-Laurence Petel does not intend to give up her seat so easily. On Sunday evening, the Macronist MP from Aix-en-Provence announced her continued standing in the second round, despite her third place. At the end of the first round of the legislative elections, Anne-Laurence Petel obtained 28.91%, narrowly beaten by the former leader of the Socialist Party of Bouches-du-Rhône Jean-David Ciot (29.48%) and by the RN candidate Gérault Verny (31.65%).

Certainly, the withdrawals of Macronist candidates are taking place in the majority of constituencies where a three-way race is looming. Certainly, Prime Minister Gabriel Attal called on the candidates of the presidential majority to withdraw, again this Tuesday, in order to“to prevent” the RN to have an absolute majority. But for Anne-Laurence Petel, the situation in Aix is ​​an exception.

To make this decision, the outgoing MP first looked at the results and took out her calculator. “There is not a significant gap between the three of us, underlines Anne-Laurence Petel. We can win, because we are neck and neck.” Only 389 votes separate her from the socialist candidate, and 1,881 from the Le Pen candidate who came out on top in this election.

LR voters in the sights

The MP also believes that she suffered from the candidacy of her former substitute against her, chosen by 1,010 voters, or 1.47% of the votes. Anne-Laurence Petel is also counting on the rallying of the 3,869 LR voters to make the difference, while Aix-en-Provence is traditionally a city won over to this camp. “I am not retiring because I am best placed to beat the extreme right, estimates the Macronist. We already experienced a historic moment in the European elections, with the RN unusually high in the Aix region. In the communes of the Aix region where the RN was in the lead at the beginning of June, such as Venelles or Châteauneuf, I take them back. And on the ground, morning, noon and night, these voters told me that in the event of a duel between the RN and the NFP, they would vote RN.”

For Anne-Laurence Petel, “Even if the figurehead of the left is a socialist who is a little more respectable than an LFI, he carries a program that does not respect republican values. The one who respects them is me!” From the day after the first round, the pressure from the left was strong on Anne-Laurence Petel to try, until the last minute, to dissuade her. On social networks, many figures from the New Popular Front called on the outgoing MP to withdraw, starting with Olivier Faure. Twice in less than 24 hours on X, the secretary general of the Socialist Party called on her to give up. “Be worthy, do not add defeat to dishonor”fumed the Seine-et-Marne MP.

An online petition has also been launched against his candidacy, already signed by more than 8,200 people. “This is harassment, accuse Anne-Laurence Petel. Since Sunday evening, I have been the victim of online raids orchestrated by France Insoumise. These are their methods. It is very violent.”

Gabriel Attal’s support

“Mrs. Anne-Laurence Petel, if you choose to stay, you will add dishonor to defeat, also denounced the mayor of Marseille, Benoît Payan. The Prime Minister supports the candidacy of Jean-David Ciot and not yours.” “Stop lying and look at my profession of faith”the outgoing MP was annoyed, and despite this pressure, she submitted her candidacy to the prefecture for the second round on Tuesday morning. “I spoke with Gabriel Attal’s office on Sunday evening and they told me: ‘yes, go for it, you’re going to win’,” she assures the Figaro.

On her social networks on Tuesday evening, she also relayed a message that she had received from the Prime Minister. “To win against the RN and defend work, respect for republican values, Anne-Laurence is best placed, can we read. She can count on my full support! I have always been able to count on her commitment.” Contacted, Gabriel Attal’s entourage was not able to confirm this position. Figarothe MP also claims the support of the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, and the regional leader and president of the Paca region, Renaud Muselier.Once she is invested by the party, Anne-Laurence Petel will have our support because she is best placed to beat the extreme right.“, however, people close to Renaud Muselier temper.

“I remember, in 2017 and 2022, having called for a vote against the extreme right and therefore for Madame Petel on the evening of the first round,ouper Jean-David Ciot, the socialist candidate for these legislative elections who is not experiencing his first showdown with the Macronist. I regret that she does not do the same and that she confuses this election with the municipal elections. She is surely afraid of disappearing from the political landscape.” “It’s him who is thinking more about the municipal elections, given the discussions I saw him have on the evening of the first round with the mayor of Aix-en-Provence.”accuses Anne-Laurence Petel in return. Statements dismissed out of hand by the socialist. Between the two, the RN candidate is discreet. Contacted, Gérault Verny did not respond to our requests.



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