“We quickly saw that we were not invited”

“We quickly saw that we were not invited”
“We quickly saw that we were not invited”

We saw very quickly in the first 20 minutes that we lacked a bit of energy in everything. We lost easy balls, missed tackles, conceded yellow cards. We were a bit behind everywhere, we suffered the contacts and the steamroller started. We saw very quickly that we were not invited. And against Toulouse, when you start to lose the arm wrestling, they break your wrist on the table. That’s what happened. We lacked freshness. The lesson is that to beat Toulouse in the final, you have to go straight to the semi-finals.

You made some strong choices, including the starting positions of Tameifuna and Jalibert. Do you regret them?

We don’t regret them, they were deliberate choices by the entire staff. You can’t beat Toulouse by trying to limit the damage. You have to take a gamble, with the best players on the pitch. To beat Toulouse, you have to be bold, take chances. Today, nothing worked. We could have chosen 23 other Bordeaux players, I think the result would have been the same. We have to congratulate Toulouse for the way they outclassed us. We’re not at that level. It feels like a humiliation in the final, but we still invited ourselves to this last meal with them. That shouldn’t overshadow all the good things we’ve done this year. But today, it wasn’t the real UBB. It wasn’t the image we’ve given of UBB all year.

“From the sidelines, we suffer with the players, we accept the snub. We’re going to use this to come back stronger.”

How do you experience these kinds of matches from the sidelines?

It’s hard. It’s hard for the players too, they don’t deserve this. When Toulouse is carried by confidence and euphoria… With each action, we took a try in the last 20 minutes. At halftime, the players are told that it’s not over. But in the first interesting situation, we lose an easy ball… From the side of the pitch, we suffer with the players, we keep quiet, we accept the snub. We will use this to come back stronger one day. There are things that we do less well than them, that must be a driving force for the future.

Were you disappointed by the conquest?

Yes. In terms of conquest, we blew hot and cold this year. We managed to find a semblance of confidence as the final stages approached. But against Toulouse, it’s a magnifying glass. If you’re afraid, or if you have any doubts, it hits you in the face. We can’t beat Toulouse with so many approximations, especially on the touchline. I’d like to take this opportunity to apologize to our supporters, who have really been behind us all year. It tarnishes the image of UBB a little in the final and we’re sorry about that to our supporters.

How to find words with your players in this situation?



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