Natural Games: in his caravan, Joe Tonté tattoos festival-goers all over France

Natural Games: in his caravan, Joe Tonté tattoos festival-goers all over France
Natural Games: in his caravan, Joe Tonté tattoos festival-goers all over France

Present in the Natural Games village, the traveling tattoo artist embarked on the adventure nine years ago.

There are about ten of them, every day, trying out this concept with Joe Tonté. Getting tattooed at a festival. The young woman, who has been set up in the Natural Games village since Thursday, came with her tattoo parlor on wheels. From festival to festival, from event to event, she pampers the skin of festival-goers in her caravan.

It’s been fourteen years since Joe Tonté, who describes himself as “nomad tattoo artist”, lives from this profession. “I started during my studies in illustration in Nantes to be able to finance my life, particularly in my laundry room, she jokes, remembering her student years. Then now, I’ve been tattooing in caravans for nine years, and four years I’ve only been tattooing at festivals.”

“For a taste of adventure”

A destiny that fell upon him. The fruit of chance, ultimately. “I had a tattoo parlor, and I was offered to tattoo at a festival. But it was during the winter. Then came the idea of ​​setting up a closed space that could also meet the needs of hygiene standards.” Then the idea of ​​the caravan arose. Once the research and arrangements were made, Joe Tonté’s adventure could begin.

“What I like is the nomad life. I do it for a taste of adventure. And all people from NG will agree with that, that’s really the spirit of this festival”validates the artist. Bringing art into the daily lives of festival-goers to connect individuals.”We are not just tattooists, we offer a scenography to festival-goers.” Indeed, the tattoos are adapted according to the places in which she travels. Here, references to climbing, outdoor sports and nomadic life.

Appreciating the encounters she can have at this type of event, the woman who is originally from the Pyrenees admits: “I also come to festivals to enjoy the artists on stage. I look at the program when I am asked to come.”

Combining the useful with the pleasant in short for this modern-day bohemianism which will only settle down next winter”to recreate a little nest for yourself”. Whether to eternal life or occasional, the Natural Games brand will remain “rooted” in the skin and memories of festival-goers.

Joe Tonté offers permanent and occasional tattoos on his stand.


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