VIDEO. “A scary experience”: in Millau, in the void with the Natural games

VIDEO. “A scary experience”: in Millau, in the void with the Natural games
VIDEO. “A scary experience”: in Millau, in the void with the Natural games

The Natural Games continue this Saturday, June 29, and the storms that have been announced won’t scare them. For now…

To throw yourself into the void from a plane or from the cliffs of Massebiau, no problem. Extreme sports model Roberta Mancino knows how to do it. Just like Valentin Delluc, used to reaching crazy speeds under his sail.

On the other hand, the godfather and godmother of this new edition of the Natural games were not having a great time when their turn came to hang in the void, on the highline stretched over the site of the vases, in the Jonte gorges.

The two novices in the discipline still went there with the advice of Salomé Cholet, a freestyle specialist. “It wasn’t easy and super impressive, I was really scaredadmits Valentin Delluc. I find that the fear ratio, compared to what I do, is a little bit higher, you feel the element. You’re in the sky and you feel the element.”

Once away from the cliff, he did not hesitate and tried to get up, in vain. The instructor of the day had challenged her students to stand for at least one second. Failure!

It was a scary experiencesmiles the Italian. I thought I was going to be more relaxed but I wasn’t, with just something to hold me, without a parachute, it was weird for me. I think with time you can learn and get more comfortable. She still showed ease at the end of her leash to put on a show with a few demonstrations of flexibility. Arriving on Thursday, she had not had time to see the festival in all its splendor. “I really enjoyed the mountain bike show with the jumps, the groups were nice and it was nice to see so many people having fun together.”

Valentin Delluc arrived earlier. He had already had the opportunity to put on a show in front of the Natural Games audience during the addicted paragliding demonstrations. Much more comfortable under his sail than on a highline, he made spectacular landings on the Maladrerie lawn.

The program for this Saturday, June 29



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