A call for projects to set up your business in Saint-Dizier

A call for projects to set up your business in Saint-Dizier
A call for projects to set up your business in Saint-Dizier

Taking the step towards entrepreneurship from a business creation idea. This is the objective of the new call for projects from the business creators space.

As a reminder, on June 7, the Espace créateurs d’entreprises (ECE) celebrated its tenth anniversary. A day with open days for the nursery and the project incubator and meetings with ECE entrepreneurs. An escape game on business creation, a photo studio, discussions with current and former ECE residents as well as activities offered by ECE entrepreneurs were also on the program.

“Strengthening the economic ecosystem of the agglomeration”

A day in which a large audience and the partners of the structure participated. The latter is launching a third call for projects as explained by Noémie Collignon, community manager of the ECE.

Various fields

“Anyone, even those already in business or running an innovative company wishing to develop their activity, who has an idea, a structuring project and wishes to set up in the territory of the Grand Saint-Dizier, Der & Vallées agglomeration, can submit an application file”.

A unique opportunity for any project leader to transform their creative idea into an entrepreneurial adventure. Several stages are (…)

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