UPE30 brings together Gard decision-makers at Mas de la Barben – News – Nîmes

In a period where the uncertainty of tomorrow is present and raises questions, Gard entrepreneurs came in large numbers, more than 450 were registered, to follow the round tables, the major conference and exchange among themselves. Place à l’entreprise responds to this demand for support and to the issues of business leaders on the theme this year of Transition.

On the program, two round tables on the theme of transition, one dedicated to the energy transition and the other to the demographic transition, then, the major conference on artificial intelligence. A meeting which ended on a friendly and musical note with an exceptional dinner concert.

Round table on energy transition (low carbon energy, responsible growth and CSR)

A round table hosted by Virginie Calligaro in the presence of Laurent Paillat, market gardener in Bellegarde, employment and training manager at the Ministry of Agriculture, Sylvain Panas, director at Total Energie and François Gauthereau, real estate manager at Lidl, head of the commission that supports companies at the CCI in the context of energy transmission. The aim is to provide entrepreneurs with food for thought on the current challenges.

The increase in the price of raw materials and production costs is forcing companies to think about how to pay less for their electricity, how to consume less and how to become independent. Companies must adapt their economic model to the current context.

The energy transition, a major challenge for entrepreneurs. © MC Dejax.

Sylvain Panas recalled that energy is abundant contrary to popular belief, that it is not expensive, that it is reliable, and that it is at a controlled price. He also stressed that the price of energy is lower than the cost price. But what price is the customer willing to pay? That is the dilemma. Among the three main types of energy, gas, electricity and fuel, it is the latter that is consumed in greater quantity 50% while the other two, 25% each. We must replace fossil energy with electricity, and reduce our consumption by becoming a producer by switching to photovoltaics in order to be less dependent. We import 75% of energy.

François Gauthereau developed the interest of installing panels on the roof, or shade structures if the roof may not be resistant enough to the weight. The CCI can help you with the diagnosis, in the choice to be made. Adjustable panels would be more expensive and involve more maintenance. With new constructions, it is necessary to look at the new obligations. A business manager also shared the enormous savings he generates with the installation of panels

It should be noted that there are very few fires related to photovoltaics, contrary to what one might believe. 90% are related to installation problems. We must be very vigilant on this point, moreover interactions with the room allowed us to discuss these problems.

Laurent Paillat emphasized the evolution in voltaism, greenhouses have improved. At the beginning, given the sunshine, production was not up to par. The methanization farms that recover waste produce 10% natural gas. He is in favor of preserving farmers’ soil and for energy produced by solar panels. The concern is that people do not want wind turbines or parks built in their homes.

Round table on the aging of the population, falling birth rate: the challenges of the demographic transition

The demographic transition was at the heart of the second round table organized this Thursday evening, moderated by Laure Tissot, vice-president of the Union for Gard Businesses (UPE30) and director of the communications agency Effissens. She was surrounded by three speakers: Benoît Roig, president of the University of Nîmes, Jessica Audren, manager of the Temporis agencies in Nîmes and Alès, and Patrick Cizeron, former broker and insurance agent, now vice-president of the Coste association. The discussion focused on the impacts of the demographic transition on society, businesses and the world of work.

Jessica Audren, Patrick Cizeron and Benoît Roig discussed the challenges of the demographic transition © AV

With 30% of the French population aged 60 and over in 2070 according to INSEE and 85% of jobs in 2030 not yet existing according to France Travail, demographic issues are crucial. An ageing population, a drop in the birth rate and the need to create new jobs herald major economic and social transformations. Companies will have to adapt, from integrating seniors to recruiting young talent.

Benoît Roig highlighted the efforts of the University of Nîmes to meet the needs of businesses with specific training. For example, university degrees such as that of mayor’s secretary or training in real estate law demonstrate the adaptation of the university environment to the socio-economic requirements of the territory. Jessica Audren, from the Temporis agencies, stressed the importance of properly matching candidates’ skills with employers’ needs, using a precise process ranging from skills assessment to defining a coherent project. She illustrated one of the major challenges by stating that “at 50, you are considered a senior” in the business world, highlighting the challenges of adapting to new technologies and developing soft skills. Finally, Patrick Cizeron insisted on the development of work-study programs as an essential avenue to develop to meet the needs of the labor market and facilitate the professional integration of young people.

Rich interventions which show in short that adaptation to the demographic transition implies joint efforts. Educational institutions of course, but also companies and recruitment agencies. A collective effort to anticipate and respond to future challenges.

Artificial intelligence: the challenge of the years to come


Romain Crema, hosted a conference on AI. © AV

Afterwards, it’s time for the conference on AI, artificial intelligence, which appears to be the partner of the business manager but which will revolutionize this universe. With his virtual assistant Trinity, Romain Crema, speaker, trainer and specialist in artificial intelligence and Modern Selling, allowed us to think about the impact on our daily professional lives. Freeing ourselves from repetitive tasks, making technology accessible, designing services, meeting needs, reducing costs and allowing us to grow, artificial intelligence is the challenge of the years to come.

He was accompanied by Trinity, his virtual assistant! © AV

President David Mélenchon concluded this training afternoon and urged business leaders to adapt to their environment, while developing and evolving. After thanking them for their presence, it’s time for the Union evening with UPE30.


David Mélenchon concluded this afternoon training. © MC Dejax

On the stage, a musical trio provided entertainment! © AV


The event took place at Mas de la Barben. © AV

Cocktails and entertainment were on hand to conclude the evening! © MC Dejax.

MC Dejax and AV



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