Saint-Paul-Flaugnac. The health center, a priority for the intercommunity

Saint-Paul-Flaugnac. The health center, a priority for the intercommunity
Saint-Paul-Flaugnac. The health center, a priority for the intercommunity

It was on the agenda of the Quercy Blanc community council, relocated to the commune of Saint-Paul-Flaugnac on Tuesday, June 25: the future health center of Castelnau-Montratier. The project is taking shape and evolving in its design. Vincent Pechmagre and Patricia Ginibre, nurses in Castelnau-Montratier, presented to the community delegates the state of the health provision in the commune, a rather alarming assessment since there is only one doctor, Marion Duchêne, an employee of the association “Santé en Quercy blanc”. No other replacement doctor wanted to set up. From this observation was born the idea of ​​building a new modular building to accommodate a health center bringing together private practitioners, but also the salaried doctors currently installed in a wing of the former Ehpad. Indeed, these premises, which were temporary, do not seem to meet the constraints and expectations. The future health center will be open to all paramedical professions wishing to set up in the municipality. “It is a question of both meeting the current needs of the population and planning for the future,” Marion Duchêne indicated in a letter addressed to elected officials. The interest is to have functional premises, a large parking lot, and to share operating costs, the use of rooms, and staff salaries.

The site, initially planned to build the new nursery, is located between the swimming pool and the cemetery. It will be sold for a symbolic euro by the municipality of Castelnau-Montratier. The cost of the 500 m2 building is estimated at €1.5 million. We can hope for 80% subsidies. The remaining €300,000 would be the subject of a loan which will be amortized by the rents paid by private practitioners, except for salaried doctors who will be exempt. This project received the unanimous support of community elected officials who considered it an absolute priority. The objective is to complete it within the next two years.

The rest of the council dealt with current affairs. It dealt with the transfer of professional tax to Cahors-Sud (€206,570) and Lhospitalet (€64,553), amending budgetary decisions, subsidies to associations (€12,820) which organise events in the area, civil engineering works and the repair of two bridges in Lendou-en-Quercy. The creation of two jobs, one in the communications secretariat, the other at France Services, the application of land use law (ADS) and the inventory of economic activity zones were the subject of deliberations.



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