Saint-André-de-Sangonis: Fleas make life difficult for residents of the Impasse Ravanières

Saint-André-de-Sangonis: Fleas make life difficult for residents of the Impasse Ravanières
Saint-André-de-Sangonis: Fleas make life difficult for residents of the Impasse Ravanières

Parasites infested a dead end in the town for several days. A disinfestation operation took place this Thursday, June 27.

It was while returning home on Wednesday June 19 that Patricia Licznar, resident of Saint-André-de-Sangonis, noticed bites without being alarmed. The next day the entire family noticed the presence of numerous fleas on their shoes and clothes. They quickly identified the source of the invasion: three filled and soiled trash cans placed near their home, at the entrance to Impasse Ravanières adjoining Avenue de Montpellier.

A few days of endless waiting for the families concerned

Worried, Patricia alerts the town hall which refers her to the community of communes which, in turn, refers her… to the town hall, each remaining within their responsibilities. Meanwhile, the fleas proliferate and the neighbors organize themselves with lots of insecticides.

A pharmacist by training, Patricia decided to contact the regional health agency (ARS) to find a solution: “I didn’t know what to do anymore, I first stopped carpooling. We also put in place a decontamination ritual before entering the house, it had become unbearable.” With the administrative machine slow to get going, the days seemed endless to Patricia. Until Friday evening, deputy mayor Henry Martinez contacted her and on Monday morning commissioned a pest control company. The trash cans were emptied by the CCVH, but they would have to wait a little longer. “In this situation it is necessary to issue a municipal decree to prohibit the circulation of vehicles. A period of 48 hours is required before the company can intervene”indicates the elected official who believes he has done it as quickly as possible.

This Thursday, June 25 afternoon, the biting insects should finally be eradicated and the residents will regain their peace.

Midi Libre correspondent: 06 27 64 45 31



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