VIDEO – Best bakery in France: Maison Gautier d’Anglet wins season 11

VIDEO – Best bakery in France: Maison Gautier d’Anglet wins season 11
VIDEO – Best bakery in France: Maison Gautier d’Anglet wins season 11

After 25 weeks of competition and nearly 240 bakeries visited by the jury composed of pastry chef Noëmie Honiat, MOF Bruno Cormerais and chef Michel Sarran, this Friday evening was the final stage for the last 3 bakeries to reach the final of the show presented by M6, The Best Bakery in France. A final test with the pairs from the Basque Country (Lucien and Adam), the Pays de la Loire (Rémy and Nathan) and the Auvergne (Agathe and Arthur).

A sports-themed buffet

For this final, lasting 9 hours, the 3 teams still in the competition had to create a gala buffet on the theme of sport. A challenge launched by the show’s jury with, during the 9 hours of this competition, the arrival of 3 MOF who challenged the competitors. Franck Michel, pastry chef and world pastry champion in 2006, Patrick Ferrand, legendary baker with great know-how, and Michel Roth, one of the most awarded chefs in France.

Those are the 2 Angloys from Maison Gautier that stand out facing their 2 opponents and who win the title of Best Bakery in France, season 11. Joy and pride for the 2 Basques who win this prestigious competition.

The Gautier House in Anglet

Lucien and Sylvain are two pastry chef brothers who inherited the passion of their father, Jean-Marie (Meilleur Ouvrier de France in 1991) who was at the head of the restaurant of the Hôtel du Palais in Biarritz. For nearly 20 years, they worked in palaces and Michelin-starred hotels, from Paris to Las Vegas. After the COVID crisis, the two brothers found themselves on their family land, in the Basque Country, with the project of opening their own shop. Thanks to the help of their family, Lucien and Sylvain opened their bakery in July 2023. Less than a year after this opening, Lucien Gautier joined forces with Adam Saubet, the house baker, to form this winning duo of season 11 of the Best Bakery in France.
A complicit, professional and complementary duo who knew how, in each event, to convince the jury of La Meilleure Boulangerie de France. Winners of the selection for the Basque-Landes Country with an average of 9.4/10 (including 2 scores of 10/10) they then competed with the 23 other pairs qualified for the national final of this 11th season of the show offered by M6.
The final rounds took place at the Domaine de Montchevreuil in Oise in the presence of the jury composed for this edition of Noëmie Honiat, Bruno Cormerais and Michel Sarran. Perfectionists and rigorous, it is by calling upon their know-how, while demonstrating extraordinary creativity and great adaptation, that the two Basques were able to brilliantly win season 11 of the Best Bakery in France.

The Gautier House of Anglet is the first establishment in the Basque Country to win this title of Best Bakery in France.



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