Olympic Flame celebration area in Lille: find the main information! – News – News

Olympic Flame celebration area in Lille: find the main information! – News – News
Olympic Flame celebration area in Lille: find the main information! – News – News

Updated 28/06/2024

Since its arrival in France on May 8 in the harbor of the port of Marseille, the Olympic Flame has crisscrossed the country and the various stages traveled so far have proven the population’s interest in this event with a large influx of spectators.

On July 2, the Olympic Flame will be in the North. After traveling through Avesnes-sur-Helpe, Dunkirk, Wallers-Arenberg, Socx and Bierne, Cambrai, Tourcoing and Roubaix, Douai, it will end its northern journey in Lille with the traditional “cauldron ceremony”.

The “cauldron ceremony” will take place on the Champ de Mars esplanade, at the Citadel of Lille.

Open to the public from 3:30 p.m., this celebration area will only be accessible from the south of the Champ de Mars, that is to say the Citadel bridge. The Napoleon Bridge and the Petit Paradis Bridge will be closed to the public. The zoo’s pedestrian bridge remains open.

The celebration area of ​​the Champ de Mars in Lille will be able to accommodate up to 17,000 people, one of the largest capacity in France for this type of event. For the occasion, this celebration area will be an establishment open to the public, thus making it possible to apply and control accessibility and security rules. Indeed, access control to the celebration area will be ensured by security agents who will carry out security checks (security pat-downs and bag searches in particular).

Don’t wait until the last minute to access the celebration area. Access to the site will be stopped when the maximum capacity has been reached.

The end of the festivities is scheduled for around 8:00 p.m.


More information on the Flame route and activities in the North: access the route

More information on the events organized by the City of Lille, traffic and parking arrangements during the passage of the Olympic Flame in Lille: traffic and parking arrangements in Lille



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