A Municipal Council in Olympic Shape

A Municipal Council in Olympic Shape
A Municipal Council in Olympic Shape

The Saint-Paul-lès-Dax City Council meeting on June 27 was more like a hurdle race than a marathon: thirty minutes for nine deliberations. We’re almost on the top step of the podium…

The Saint-Paul-lès-Dax City Council meeting on June 27 was more like a hurdle race than a marathon: thirty minutes for nine deliberations. We were close to the top step of the podium. Logical for a municipality labeled Terre de Jeux 2024 and Sports Preparation Center, which will host several national Olympic football teams, such as Ukraine and Egypt, but also the Republic of Congo and Mozambique.

By agreement, the athletes – some of them international stars – will use the fields of the Plaine des sports and the Aurus stadium. From a certain point of view, the Paralympic Games will not be forgotten, since the Local Disability Council, created by the Municipal Council on May 30, is structured around three colleges: ten elected officials, representatives of disability associations, citizens with disabilities and caregivers. A deliberation adopted unanimously.

Create a link

False start, on the other hand, for the creation of a system “making it possible to remove the brakes on social isolation”. It will be a local structure, installed on the site of the former social restaurant, 112, avenue de la Résistance. It will include a space dedicated to Secours populaire and another occupied by associations developing actions aimed at strengthening solidarity. It will be called The Link Factory.

Julie Ydjedd announces that her group will abstain: “We are for the creation of La Fabrique du lien, but we regret the closure of the social restaurant. ” she says. This is followed by the intervention of Catherine Beaulieu, who wishes to clarify that the municipal restaurant has not been closed, but moved to the Establishment and work assistance service (Esat) of Adapei (Departmental Association friends and parents of maladjusted children) from the company village.

Before the closing ceremony of this Municipal Council, Mayor Julien Bazus specified that next Thursday’s market will be held at Place du Marché Baheigne, under the new market hall, which will be inaugurated on July 14.



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