The Beaux-Regards organic urban farm invited to the Antre Peaux Workoff evening

The Beaux-Regards organic urban farm invited to the Antre Peaux Workoff evening
The Beaux-Regards organic urban farm invited to the Antre Peaux Workoff evening

Neighbors, the two associations have woven and developed links over the years. Their partnership has just reached a decisive and very friendly milestone.

This Thursday evening, at Antre Peaux, it was the Workoff! “An open-air concert, as festive as possible since it is at aperitif time, marking the end of a programming season,” according to Nicolas Moreau and Aurélien Prot, respective programmers of Antrepeaux and Sous Off, the two co-organizing associations.

On the bill, from the very end of the afternoon and around a big barbecue, several DJs and two rock groups: the Belgians from The Jungle and the people of Nevers Dirty Frenchkiss, increasingly popular.

But the real stars of the evening were perhaps the people from the Beaux-Regards urban farm, who came as neighbors from their site on rue Marguerite-Audoux to set up a small organic vegetable market in the courtyard of Antre Skins.

“We are so close to each other that it was an opportunity to make a partnership a reality,” explains Annaelle Lecry, head of the public service at Antre Peaux. The evening before, we had organized concerts and walks at the Farm. The day after (so this Thursday Editor’s note), it’s their turn to be our guests! »

Fresh products in short supply chains

Market gardener Aurélien Chartendrault and his troupe, who have been running the farm for four years, offered a wide range of their fresh products, others grown by local producers (Méreau potatoes, in particular). Savvy housewives and cunning lovers of (we can’t get any more) fresh products distributed in a (super-ultra) short circuit were spoiled for choice between several varieties of turnips and batavia, cucumbers, beets, eggplants, zucchini, tomatoes and carrots. , without forgetting onions (white), peppers, green basil and fresh garlic.

The market also gave pride of place to comics, books, music labels friendly to Antrepeaux, works by local artists…

In short, everything you need to have a great evening before the holidays!

Emmanuel Letreulle



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