Carpentras: end of torment at Tiers-Lieu and transitions?

Carpentras: end of torment at Tiers-Lieu and transitions?
Carpentras: end of torment at Tiers-Lieu and transitions?

The association Tiers-Lieu et Transitions (T & TRAS), specializing in digital technology, has experienced some torment. Threats of dissolution and employee layoffs, nothing less, following in particular the end of the cooperative society of collective interest Provence Numérique. But after major financial concerns, the future seems to be brightening for employees, since Tuesday, June 25.

Following the resignation of the office chaired by Patrice Morgallet (alongside Cyril Liotard, secretary, ERM automation boss and Chantal Blanc, treasurer, retired), on June 6, the thirty members, having decided twice ( on May 15 and June 6) not to dissolve the association, an extraordinary general meeting was, in fact, organized in the premises on rue du Vieil hospital last Tuesday.

The support of the City

Since June 6, we still haven’t had an office!”, notes one of the employees. An extraordinary AGM attended by Jaouad Ziati, the city’s digital development representative. “It was already a good sign for us.”notes the employee. Because until now, a climate of conflict had crystallized between members of Provence Numérique, Tiers-Lieu, and the authorities, Ville and CoVe…

During this EGM, Christine, an employee for 3 years, who is mobilizing to restart the machine and encourage new calls for projects, presented the future prospects, with, to begin with, the maintenance of the four jobs of Dimitri, Aneta, Thibaud and Christine, therefore.

Money coming in

Others “good news“, money coming in to come.”The Courthézon town hall has given its approval to relaunch a series of workshops with us and the Apt college is waiting for our quote for workshops for 6th and 5th graders..”In order to get back afloat, “we had to part with our big laser cutter“, regrets the employee, but “The Departmental Council allocated us a grant to support the running of collective digital mediation workshops.“In total, around €30,000 is expected these days. The association also applied to be a potential supplier for the La Poste group and responded to several calls for tender.

Lastly, there is a waiting list for some workshops, which is a good sign. The Tiers-Lieu will also benefit from the support of France Active (a national structure that helps associations through various mechanisms, such as subsidized loans, reorganization advice, management) and which should carry out an audit free of charge.

A smaller room but available

There was then talk of the association moving to 55, rue Vigne (the former Indian restaurant) that “we hope for August“. A premises graciously made available by the City. “This will be a rent saving of 1,000“, comments Christine. “The new premises will be smaller, but we had little choice. We still have to sign the lease…” to get the keys and prepare for the move this summer.

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