it could exceed 1800 euros gross shortly

it could exceed 1800 euros gross shortly
it could exceed 1800 euros gross shortly

A minimum wage of more than 1,800 euros gross, this should happen between August and October 2024 according to forecasts from the Banque de France.

Minimum wage increase assured before the end of 2024

Excellent news for the French: The Bank of France is planning an increase in the minimum wage of between 2% and 2.5%.. In terms of remuneration, this will bring the amount to 1,800 euros gross per month, or + 33.08 euros.

A monthly salary of 1800 euros gross / month

This increase in the minimum wage was not decided by the government but is linked to an automatic revaluation linked to inflation. Let us remember that the minimum wage had already increased by +1.13% on 1 January.

Plus 33.08 euros each month on your pay slip

In France, the SMIC (interprofessional minimum growth wage) is the only wage indexed to inflation, so it benefits every year from a mechanical increase on January 1st which takes into account the increase in prices weighted for the 20% of households with the lowest incomes.

Consumer prices continued to rise in June 2024 (source Insee)

The latest survey by INSEE (National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies) shows that consumer prices continued to rise in June 2024, marking an increase of 4.5% compared to 2023. In the current delicate economic context, the revaluation of the minimum wage appears to be an essential measure to support workers with ‘low incomes’.

With insecurity, purchasing power is today the main concern of the French

Along with insecurity, purchasing power is today the main concern of the French; purchasing power is the top concern for 47% of respondents (June 2024 survey by the Toluna Harris Interactive institute for Challenges, M6 and RTL), followed by immigration (39%), security of people and property (33%), health (30%) and taxation (30%).



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