Why are priest ordinations celebrated on June 29?

Why are priest ordinations celebrated on June 29?
Why are priest ordinations celebrated on June 29?

Côme, Vianney, Antoine, Henri, Louis-Marie, and Jeimer have decided to dedicate their lives to God in the priesthood. They will be ordained for the diocese of Paris on Saturday, June 29, in the church of Saint-Sulpice – ” for the service of the Church, through the gift of the Holy Spirit and the laying on of hands of Mgr Laurent Ulrich, Archbishop of Paris “This day also marks the solemnity of the apostles Saint Peter and Saint Paul, two great figures recognized by Christian tradition as the two pillars of the Roman Church.

In reference to these two columns of the Church, June 29 is also the feast of priests, these men who guide and accompany Christian communities. Every year, ordinations take place on or near this day.

Why June 29?

June 29 corresponds to the date on which the Scriptures place the martyrdom of Peter, crucified in Rome. Paul, for his part, was beheaded but Christian tradition counts three years between the two martyrdoms, namely 64 and 67 during the persecutions of the Emperor Nero.

In the 4th century, they were united by the institution of a common feast on June 29, which celebrated them as co-founders of the Church of Rome through their martyrdom. They were also recognized as the two “living stones” on which the Church was built.

Saint Peter and Saint Paul, the two pillars of the Church

These two men had different trajectories but were united by their vocation to follow Christ, with their limitations, and animated by one and the same mission, that of announcing the Gospel.

Simon, now Peter, is a Galilean, a fisherman living in Capernaum on the shores of Lake Tiberias. He is the first apostle whom Jesus calls while he is fishing with his brother Andrew on Lake Tiberias (Mark 1:16). He is the first to confess Christ, Son of the living God, and it is at this moment that Jesus gives him the name Kephas, which means Peter. It is he who receives the responsibility of leading the Church: “You are Peter and on this rock I will build my Church” (Matthew 16,18-19), according to the interpretation of the Roman Catholic Church. He is also the one to whom Jesus gives the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 16:19) and makes him the shepherd of his flock (John 21:15-17).

Saul, who became Paul, is a Jew of the diaspora, from the city of Tarsus in Asia Minor, a Pharisee and Roman citizen. He did not know Jesus alive like the twelve apostles. But he is the first to have the only experience of the Resurrected Jesus, going from Jerusalem to Damascus to fight the disciples of Jesus. According to his account, a strong light enveloped him and he fell to the ground. At that moment a voice from heaven said to him: “I am Jesus whom you persecute. » Converted, baptized by Ananias, Paul became a tireless missionary: he traveled throughout the Mediterranean basin to bring the Gospel to the pagans, until his death.

Two destinies for a common purpose, as Saint Augustine indicates in his sermon delivered during the celebration of this feast: “In a single day, we celebrate the passion of the two apostles, but these two are one. Peter preceded, Paul followed. » He goes on to exhort: “ let us therefore love their faith, their existence, their work, their suffering! Let us love the objects of their confession and their preaching! »



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