FREE MIDI INFO. Gilles d’Ettore affair: Sophia the clairvoyant from Agde released with ban on practicing

FREE MIDI INFO. Gilles d’Ettore affair: Sophia the clairvoyant from Agde released with ban on practicing
FREE MIDI INFO. Gilles d’Ettore affair: Sophia the clairvoyant from Agde released with ban on practicing

The judge of freedom and detention of Béziers decided to place under judicial supervision Sophia Martinez, the medium indicted for fraud or concealment of corruption, accused of having manipulated the mayor of Agde. She will have to stay in Strasbourg, much to the chagrin of the defense.

According to our information, the judge of liberty and detention (JLD) of Béziers decided, this Friday, June 28, to place Sophia Martinez, 44, the clairvoyant in the Gilles d’Ettore affair, under judicial control. former mayor of Agde (Hérault).

She is banned from practicing as a medium and will have to stay with a friend in Strasbourg.

This mother of six children had been incarcerated since March 21, following her indictment for “fraud, concealment of embezzlement by a person in a position of public authority, concealment of corruption and undeclared work.”

A medium and healer, she is suspected of having used a stratagem with the mayor of Agde and numerous other interlocutors: by using a hoarse, masculine-looking voice on the telephone, she made them believe that she was in contact with a supernatural being from beyond. Which voice encouraged them to worry about the well-being of the clairvoyant, including materially…

“His imprisonment was a real nightmare”

As a result, she was paid for, through Gilles d’Ettore, a veranda, a jacuzzi, a sumptuous wedding and even plane tickets, while several of her relatives, including one of her daughters, were given jobs at the town hall.

“Her imprisonment was a real nightmare with prison pressure, she was placed in solitary confinement for a time to protect her following an attack, but also media pressure” recalls his lawyer Mr. Abratkiewicz who pleaded Wednesday before the JLD for his release.

“Above all, she was separated and deprived of her children for more than three months, even though she admitted everything from the beginning.”

The Béziers public prosecutor’s office did not oppose his release while on Wednesday, at the same time, the two investigating judges had decided to release the former mayor of Agde Gilles d’Ettore from prison. But the debate centered on Sophia’s accommodation destination.

However, this decision to remove her more than 850 km away, to Strasbourg, dissatisfies the defense who will appeal: “this outing prohibits her from playing her role as a mother and from having a family life” deplores Me Abratkiewcz, then that his children are still in school in the region.



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