The May floods not mentioned at the Saint-Pierre-en-Auge municipal council

The May floods not mentioned at the Saint-Pierre-en-Auge municipal council
The May floods not mentioned at the Saint-Pierre-en-Auge municipal council

Completed in less than two hours, the duration of the municipal council of Tuesday June 25, 2024 is a record of brevity for Saint-Pierre-en-Auge (Calvados).


The May floods were not put on the agenda. No report was presented to elected officials, while no fewer than 120 files were filed for recognition of natural disaster, as recently reported in our columns.

Read also: Floods in May 2024 in Saint-Pierre-en-Auge: 120 natural disaster files filed

Questioned at the end of the meeting, Mayor Jacky Marie indicated that he “ did not have any specific information to provide, the assessments are in progress ” He announced to the council that the “ next meeting would take place on 1is october ».

We will therefore have to wait until this date to find out how events unfolded, the intervention of local stakeholders, particularly on 12 May, the main areas affected, the assessment of the causes, compensation and restoration, the assessment of costs, possible preventive measures, etc.

Tribute to two deceased elected officials

At the opening of the meeting, after the tribute paid to the deceased elected officials, Daniel Rouget, then very recently, Véronique Maymaud, “ who devoted sixteen years of his life to the community “, the new advisors” Nicole Labarre and Pierre Lecoq » were installed, then Jocelyne Foucques was elected deputy mayor of Vaudeloges par « 28 votes for, 20 blank votes, 2 null votes and 3 votes for candidates not presented ».

Room rental

Among the general administrative measures, the elected officials validated the amount of two reimbursements from dissatisfied room rental companies, Agrial for the Thiéville village hall (heating problem) and JSL Studio for the filming of a movie at the Halle Médiévale (toilet problem).

Regarding the Halle, the organization of rentals was not explained further: advertising, choice of customers, reception arrangements by the municipality.

Asian hornets

A new agreement for the collective fight against the Asian hornet was signed with Fredon, which reports the record of “ 6,259 nests destroyed in Calvados » in 2023. « The declaration platform opened on June 24. »

Validations de conventions

Several agreements have been validated for culture, the Sainte-Marguerite-de-Viette library, for the resources allocated to youth and education and for the availability of training days for volunteer firefighters. A regulation for events organized by the municipality was adopted by a majority (5 against, 5 abstentions).



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