In Caen, the La Butte club celebrates its 70th anniversary by opening its doors to test different disciplines

In Caen, the La Butte club celebrates its 70th anniversary by opening its doors to test different disciplines
In Caen, the La Butte club celebrates its 70th anniversary by opening its doors to test different disciplines

It is at the La Butte de Caen sports complex (Calvados), in the Grace-de-Dieu district, that the 70th anniversary of the club with 2,230 members will take place, Saturday June 29, 2024.

From 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., visitors will be able to discover a multitude of sporting activities for free, “with the aim of making our proposals known”, says the director, Cyrielle Brunet.

Combat sports, swimming, yoga…

Dojo 1 will host judo, self-defense, jiu-jitsu and aikido sessions throughout the day. In Dojo 2, karate, taekwondo, nunchaku and qi gong enthusiasts will find what they are looking for. The pool will offer swimming sessions for different age groups, as well as aquaphobia and aquagym classes.

Visitors will also be able to take part in tai chi chuan, handball, seated shiatsu, zazen, aerobics, meditation, yoga and Pilates classes. Information stands on outdoor courses “run by club volunteers” will also be available, and various animations, such as “games for children and awareness of life-saving actions by firefighters” , are planned.

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A spirit of inclusion

Cyrielle Brunet explains: “The idea is to introduce and show that the practice is open to everyone, for those who are able-bodied as well as for those who are disabled.” The club, which offers around thirty different activities, is an institution in the neighborhood. It aims to be a place of social diversity and inclusion.

The club is planning new activities for seniors and sedentary people: sophrology/fitness, contemporary dance/tai chi and joint mobility. “The sport we offer is not just for young athletes” , reminds the director. For the open day, come in uniform “simple and practical” .

Saturday June 29, 2024, from 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., 31, rue Louis-Robillard. For more information: by phone at 02 31 82 33 49 or by email at [email protected].



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