Facade renovation grants add color to walls

Posted by Soizick David, June 28, 2024 at 11:57.

The campaign launched in 2022 by CARENE concerns the painting of buildings, but also safety work.

© City of Saint-Nazaire

Since 2022, the City of Saint-Nazaire has introduced a system of aid for the renovation of facades at the entrance to the city. 27 buildings out of 74 concerned have already been able to benefit from it

Beautify and secure

Forty new owners or co-owners have taken steps to give a new lease of life to the buildings in the area.Avenue de la République to the Paquebot. The program concerns the coloring, but also the safety of the building (repair of the disorders in the facade and improve safety, in particular to prevent the fall of concrete shards). Consultation visits for architecture and color advice are supported by Saint-Nazaire Agglo. The system was intended to be an incentive by CARENE at its launch with increased aid for the first 2 years, to gradually become mandatory. “We were inspired by Le Havre and Dunkirk, which were able to rehabilitate their heritage from the Reconstruction of the 1950s with similar systems. The local and Nazairien touch is provided by a coloring charter updated in 2019 by the colorist architect Martine Homburger, who was inspired by the mineral and plant tones of the landscapes of our territory. Halfway through, this program is already a success: more than 80% of the buildings potentially concerned have entered into the process.” Xavier Perrin, vice-president of Saint-Nazaire Agglomération.

How does the program work?

Between 2022 and 2024, owners received aid of 40% of the amount of work excluding tax (capped at €1,250 per dwelling or business premises). From September 2024, this aid will increase to 30%, then 20% in September 2025. This aid will then end in September 2026. “In addition to this subsidy, additional aid from Saint-Nazaire Agglo or bonuses can be mobilized under resource conditions and according to heritage preservation constraints” specifies CARENE.



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