Product recall: be careful, this ham sold throughout France is contaminated, it must not be consumed

Product recall: be careful, this ham sold throughout France is contaminated, it must not be consumed
Product recall: be careful, this ham sold throughout France is contaminated, it must not be consumed

Leclerc stores have just recalled a ham contaminated with Listeria bacteria, indicates Rappel Conso, the site for dangerous product alerts.

This ham was sold in the cutting section, throughout France. The product, of the Brient brand, was marketed by Leclerc throughout France between June 18 and 25, 2024, indicates Rappel Conso, the site for alerts of dangerous products.

Reason for the recall? The presence of listeria monocytogenes, the causative agent of listeriosis.

This is specifically a superior AC smoked cooked ham. Batch 000011267686 is affected by this recall. The use-by date indicated is July 25, 2024.

A potentially serious illness

People who have consumed the ham and who have a fever, whether isolated or accompanied by headaches and body aches, are invited to consult their doctor and report this consumption.

“Severe forms with neurological complications and maternal or fetal damage in pregnant women can also sometimes occur. Pregnant women as well as immunocompromised people and the elderly must be particularly attentive to these symptoms”specifies Consumer reminder.

“Listeriosis is a disease that can be serious and has an incubation period of up to eight weeks”underlines the government site.

Consumers wishing to have more information can contact: 07 63 20 05 03. It is possible to be reimbursed by returning the product before the end of the recall procedure, set for July 15, 2024.



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