three (3) dealers arrested including a girl

three (3) dealers arrested including a girl
three (3) dealers arrested including a girl

The Mbour central police station succeeded in dismantling an international ecstasy trafficking network, also known as the “shutter”. This operation led to the arrest of three individuals, including a young woman. This, following the seizure of 40 tablets of this drug.

The three dealers are: C. Dieng, Y. Ndiaye, and P. Guéye. C. Dieng, domiciled in Guédiawaye. The latter obtained ecstasy in Gambia. In anticipation of the Tabaski festival, Mr. Dieng had ordered a large quantity of tablets worth more than 700,000 FCFA from his Gambian supplier. The drugs were then transported by truck to Mbour.

According to Rewmi Quotidien, he distributed his illicit merchandise during weekends in Saly and Mbour, with the help of Y. Ndiaye and P. Guéye. Y. Ndiaye hosted Dieng in an apartment in Saly in exchange for tablets for his personal consumption.

Thanks to information, police officers from the Mbour central police station managed to apprehend the trio. During the operation, ecstasy was found in the handbag of Y. Ndiaye, a resident of Saly and originally from Thiès. In total, 40 ecstasy tablets were seized.

After the investigation, the three dealers were presented to the public prosecutor at the Mbour High Court. This arrest comes as part of ongoing police efforts to combat drug trafficking in the region, particularly that of ecstasy which is enjoying worrying popularity in show biz circles and among young people.

Furthermore, last week, another dealer was referred by police officers from the same police station, having been arrested in possession of 1.1 kg of Indian hemp.




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