No end-of-life vacation: ADMD Youth launch the 9th edition of the AdmdTour

No end-of-life vacation: ADMD Youth launch the 9th edition of the AdmdTour
No end-of-life vacation: ADMD Youth launch the 9th edition of the AdmdTour

Despite recent political events, the fight for a dignified and chosen end of life continues with determination. Following the dissolution of the bill relating to support for the sick and the end of life, the young volunteers of the Association for the Right to Die with Dignity (ADMD) are not giving up. For them, it is crucial to remember that the suffering of patients persists and that French legislation must evolve.

The AdmdTour: talking about end of life without taboo

The 9th edition of the AdmdTour, the famous summer tour dedicated to raising awareness about the end of life, is back in action. The kick-off will be given:

Sunday June 30 Chestnut Tree Square in Gevrey-Chambertin From 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.

This initiative is supported by Jonathan Denis, president of the ADMD, Yoann Brossard, secretary general, as well as Déborah Fort and Franck Duquenoy, co-leaders of Jeunes ADMD. Together, they will strive to promote advance directives and the rights of people at the end of life, as part of the general interest missions of the ADMD.

Awareness and action

The ADMD Youth will take advantage of this day to inform the public about crucial and often taboo subjects. Fun activities will be organized for everyone, in order to encourage open and accessible discussions. A selection of books on the end of life will also be available, accompanied by an information and prevention point.

A call to political action

In the current context, marked by major political changes, the AdmdTour does not forget to remind candidates and new deputies of the importance of not leaving the question of the end of life unresolved. For Young ADMD, it is imperative that political decision-makers actively commit to guaranteeing each individual the right to choose their end of life with dignity.

To participate and support this essential cause, come to Gevrey-Chambertin, Place des Marronniers, on Sunday, June 30, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. This is an opportunity to join a civic and humane approach, in favor of a necessary and fair legislative evolution.



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