Saint-Pierre: goats stolen from a farm in Grand-Bois

Saint-Pierre: goats stolen from a farm in Grand-Bois
Saint-Pierre: goats stolen from a farm in Grand-Bois

In Grand-Bois, in Saint-Pierre, thirteen goats were stolen from a breeder. Between despair and anger, the Tomy family is launching an appeal for witnesses. They filed a complaint following this theft of animals which took place on the night of Wednesday, June 26. This is the second time in nine years.

The theft took place in the middle of the night on a breeding farm in Grand-Bois, in Saint-Pierre. In total, thirteen kids were stolen from the Tomy family’s farm on the night of Wednesday June 26.

“It’s a mixture of sadness, anger and incomprehension,” comments Neïma Sinien, on Réunion La 1time. She and her family are launching a call for witnesses this Friday, June 28. Anyone with information on this matter can call law enforcement. A complaint was filed with the police station by the breeder who estimates the damage at more than 15,000 euros.

Watch his testimony on Réunion La 1ère:

Theft of goats in Grand-Bois itw Neïma Sinien

©Reunion 1ère

“This is the second time in nine years that thieves have visited our park, explains Neïma Sinien. The first time was in 2015, we lost 33 goats and goats, including young ones.” This time, the thieves stole five goats, six young goats, two goats and a small baby.

“Being a goat breeder is a personal and financial investment, underlines Neïma Sinien. We make our plans based on our breeding and people come and take everything we have.”

Our projects, our expenses, everything is at a standstill for us, we don’t know what we’re going to do, we’re lost.

Now Neïma Sinien and her family take care “of what they were willing to leave us.” “We have to start all over again and like nine years ago, we’re going to stay here morning, noon and night and we’re going to try to rebuild our livestock,” she adds. “If anyone has seen something, don’t hesitate to call because we are helpless, if Reunion Island doesn’t help us we won’t be able to find our kids.”



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