this heavy decision taken by the gendarmes

this heavy decision taken by the gendarmes
this heavy decision taken by the gendarmes

Ten days after her disappearance, Camille, 15, is not found. The teenager from a village located a few kilometers from Breteuil, in Oise, has not given any sign of life since the morning of June 17, 2024. This is the day when “a village man“, dropped her off at Beauvais train station at her request, her parents report. Since then, they have had no news of their daughter.

Camille’s relatives have been fighting the gendarmes’ theory for over a week. Convinced that the young girl disappeared voluntarily, investigators seem to reject the much darker idea that something happened to Camille. But while an investigation for “disturbing disappearance” has been opened, a new decision by the authorities reveals the full importance of this case.

Disappearance of Camille, 16, in Oise: what we know about the investigation

On Monday June 17, the day of her disappearance, Camille was dropped off by car at Beauvais station to take a train towards Creil. Problem, there is nothing to prove that the 15-year-old girl took this train, her father said on June 26 in the columns of the local media The Beauvais Observer. “We have no information, it could be anywhere”, continues the family, worried about not having news of the young girl.

Strange thingbefore leaving the family home, Camille would not have taken “no business, no food, no ID, no money and no cell phone“, reports his father. Which would be inconsistent with an attempt to escape, according to his relatives.There is not even a history of train tickets, a destination, or even a conversation that would suggest a runaway…” confirms the teenager’s sister, who had access to the young girl’s mobile phone.

crédit photo : shutterstock

Disturbing disappearance of Camille near Beauvais: this important decision taken by the police

For several days, Camille B.’s relatives have been reporting the teenager’s disappearance on social media and in the media. This Wednesday, June 26, the police also decided to broadcast a call for witnesses. A decision which comes 9 days after the worrying disappearance of the young girl. On the wanted notice, we can read: “We report the escape of Camille DEBARBIEUX, born on 02/26/2009 in Beauvais”.

The police also give a physical description of Camille: “Caucasian type, slim, 1m70, black hair, blue eyes”. “Missing since 06/17/2024 at Beauvais station. If you have any information, contact COB Breteuil at“, states the wanted notice. By issuing this appeal for witnesses, the authorities hope to quickly find young Camille and seem to definitively exclude any theory other than that of the voluntary disappearance of the teenager.

Camille’s disappearance in Oise: her parents refute the gendarmes’ theory

For Camille’s father, the police are wrong. “I think that’they don’t take it seriouslybecause Camille had already run away for a day and had been found in Beauvais”, he explained on June 25 to our colleagues atOise News. “Between a day and a week of disappearance, it’s nothing like that, a lot of things can happen!”, he continued. “She’s a minor, it’s not normal to not hear from a teenager for such a long time!

crédit photo : shutterstock

Asked by The Beauvais ObserverFrédéric Trinh, the public prosecutor of Beauvais confirms that a “A judicial investigation has been opened into the worrying disappearance and that geolocation requisitions are currently in progress”. However, the opening of a judicial investigation is not yet considered by the magistrate.



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