The cause that unites all causes

The cause that unites all causes
The cause that unites all causes

On June 5 and 6, Vaudreuil-Soulanges hosted the annual gathering of the Centraide regions center-west of Quebec (CRCOQ) group. For the occasion, more than twenty representatives of the six Centraides affiliated with CRCOQ, including Centraide Sud-Ouest du Québec (CSOQ), gathered at the Notre-Dame-de-Fatima Center in Notre-Dame-de-l’Île -Perrot to take stock of their last year, but also to share their best practices in the field.

The meeting ended with a panel of volunteers from the region, involved with CSOQ, who spoke about their commitment, their challenges and the issues facing the region.

« Every year we get together as a team and tour the regions and this year, it was here, in southwest Quebec, that we held our event. This allowed us to discover the region, the territory, to learn about the issues that are being experienced here and, above all, to share our best practices. “, explains Julie Colbert, general director of CRCOQ.

« With this event, I wanted people from the CRCOQ office, but also from other affiliated Centraides, to meet our volunteers from the region and the members of our office and our analysis and relations committee with organizations (CARO). The goal was really to share with the other regions our realities here on the ground. Yes, we all have a common mission and we work together to harmonize our tools, but we also all have our own local realities. We wanted to make this meeting a special time to share and look for new things. “, added Kim Pétrin-Barrette, director of development and partnerships at CSOQ.

Since 2017, Centraide Central-West Quebec regions has brought together Centraides from Southwest, Abitibi-Témiscamingue – Northern Quebec, Centre-du-Québec, Hautes-Laurentides, Lanaudière and Mauricie.

Committed volunteers

As highlighted by Kim Pétrin-Barrette, the gathering allowed long-time volunteers to demonstrate their involvement, but also the importance of Centraide in the community.

« My volunteers are extraordinary. It may not seem like much, but just the analysis and relations committee with the organizations requires a lot of time and rigor. They go to the organizations to meet with the management, they analyze on paper the needs and performance of the organizations. They identify the organizations in difficulty and ensure follow-up. It’s very professional. I find them really good because it’s a lot of volunteer work and many of the people who are involved have a full-time job.n,” adds Ms. Pétrin-Barrette.

It was also the idea of ​​having an analysis committee in place that convinced the cabinet president, Pierjean Savard, to get involved with Centraide. “ When I understood that there was a system of analysis, that we knew where the money was going, what the funds were used for and that the administration costs were one of the lowest in this area- That’s when I decided to go with Centraide. There is really a rigorous and serious approach to the organization. »

President of the firm for three years, Pierjean Savard’s role is to meet with entrepreneurs in the region to introduce them to Centraide, but also to encourage them to get involved in the cause.

« Businesses are in high demand when it comes to donating to a cause and it’s heartbreaking to say no. All organizations are equal, there are needs everywhere. By choosing Centraide, you write a check and you know that this money will be distributed equally where the needs are greatest. Honestly, I find that Centraide is the perfect easy choice for businesses and the general population. By contributing to Centraide, you’re not just helping one organization, but about thirty organizations in the region. », Indicates the man who is at the head of the company Conteneurs Experts.

In addition to his role with entrepreneurs, Pierjean Savard supports the CSOQ firm team in planning the annual financing campaign, of which he is also president, and in short and medium term planning of actions to take in order to raise awareness United Way.

“There are still a lot of people who don’t know about Centraide. That’s why he doesn’t let go. There are several communication strategies that are put in place “, adds Mr. Savard.

Same story with André Mercier, a volunteer who has been involved with CARO for four years. “ Everyone knows the Centraide brand, but not many people really know what Centraide doese,” he says.

A proven cause

It was in 1993 that Jocelyn Pilon began to get involved in Centraide. I started with fundraising at the Trois-Lacs School Board at the time. More than 30 years later, it still works. I served on the board of directors of CSUQ before the merger in 2017 and now I am a director on the board of directors of CRCOQ. 30 years ago, when I organized the first campaign, it was a challenge that was given to me. Since then, I have never thought of stopping because for me, Centraide is one of the most recognized and reliable charitable organizations. “, underlines Mr. Pilon.

Give where the need is

Involved in CARO for five years now, Maxime Chevrier’s role is to meet with organizations in the region and analyze their needs. This kind of involvement is rewarding because from one year to the next, you see the evolution of the organizations. We can support them one year and the next year, we realize that they have succeeded in developing something concrete, viable over time and that they need us less. We really see how our involvement can change things locally “, he continues.

As with Pierjean Savard, the idea of ​​there being a serious approach to the process of redistributing funds greatly encouraged the retired banker, André Mercier, to get involved.

« When I retired, I wanted to get involved, but at the same time, I wanted to move into a field that wasn’t necessarily familiar to me. When I was in the banks, we asked employees to donate to United Way and the question that came up most often was where does the money go and how does it work? By getting involved, I quickly realized that the money is well redistributed and that there is a serious process and we know what the money is used for. There is a very formal process that allows us to fully understand the needs and mission of each organization. We make sure that organizations have a strategy, a plan because giving money to someone who doesn’t have a plan or vision is a waste of time. “, underlines Mr. Mercier.

The cause that unites all causes

« Centraide is a beautiful big umbrella that allows you to help a lot of organizations. There are so many organizations that it becomes difficult to be able to help everyone both financially and in terms of time. But by getting involved with Centraide, you can help more people», underlines the volunteer and owner of physiotherapy clinics and speaker, Maxime Chevrier.

It is also the idea that by supporting Centraide, all causes are supported that pushed the CEO of Pure Marketing, Chloé Raymond, to get involved, three years ago, within the Centraide office. South West.

“I was looking for a cause that would bring the whole community together. I couldn’t choose a cause. There are so many needs everywhere and no matter what cause I chose, I felt incomplete, I wanted to do more. So I launched into the universe, my desire to make a real difference by reaching as many people as possible and that’s when Centraide came into my life. ” explains the woman who, in addition to looking for new contacts, offers her marketing services through her company.

Call for businesses

Finally, Pierjean Savard is launching an appeal to businesses and entrepreneurs in the region.

« I think it’s easier to do one big corporate campaign rather than several small campaigns and that’s exactly what we’re looking for. We want companies, partners ready to commit to it for several years and who will, within their company, appoint a hero, a Centraide ambassador to manage the campaign internally. I therefore invite all businesses to get involved because Centraide is the cause that brings together all other causes and you are sure to help everyone in the region and beyond “, he concludes.



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