Videos on TikTok, a cafe owner convicted of invasion of privacy

Videos on TikTok, a cafe owner convicted of invasion of privacy
Videos on TikTok, a cafe owner convicted of invasion of privacy

A tobacco bar manager in was convicted of “violation of privacy”, reports La Dépêche du Midi. In January, he posted videos on TikTok showing vulnerable customers frequenting his establishment, Café du Lude.

These videos, which quickly went viral, presented these people in a humiliating light. Some of the victims, followed by a neighboring psychiatric establishment, appeared there in degrading situations. This content sparked a wave of indignation, leading to the deletion of the TikTok account after the first complaints.

A legal sanction in Tarn

Tried by the Albi judicial court as part of a “plea guilty” procedure, the cafe owner accepted a fine of €1,000 and the obligation to follow a citizenship course. In addition to the criminal conviction, he will have to compensate two victims to the amount of €1,000 each for moral damage.

Local associations, including the Fondation du Bon Sauveur and the Udaf du Tarn, have become civil parties, denouncing disrespectful behavior towards protected people. Despite his apologies and his lack of declared intention to cause harm, this affair left after-effects, with some victims having suffered a strong psychological impact.



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