A complicity finally rediscovered for the security of Geneva

A complicity finally rediscovered for the security of Geneva
A complicity finally rediscovered for the security of Geneva
Read also: New political priorities to guide the work of the Geneva police

The exercise, already tried elsewhere, was not insignificant in a canton where the authorities have long viewed each other with suspicion and where the police have often found themselves torn between the very different aspirations of their bosses. With two personalities from the same political side, united by a very “public security” vision, the first version will have the advantage of setting objectives and the great drawback of literally blowing up Champ-Dollon before making prison overpopulation a burning issue. .

Successive shocks

The pact is then reissued with a few variations before being hit hard by the shock of current events which will shake the institutions. Pierre Maudet is deprived of his dicastery and it is Mauro Poggia, more hostile to the judicial power and soon totally monopolized by the pandemic, who will initial two editions focused more on analysis than on operational matters. A prevention and detection axis then timidly appears and the improvement of victim care also receives a mention.

Even if today’s agreement still looks very much like a long inventory, the impetus given to the police in terms of listening to victims is in itself a salutary development. The center of gravity is changing and the spotlight is no longer only on the offenders. As for the emphasis placed on prevention, it is also a way of saying that simplistic responses consisting of ever more imprisonment or expulsion are by far not enough to resolve problems that have become more complex.




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