“I’ll go practice elsewhere!” : came for a sore throat in Agde, he imposed a gynecological examination on her, the doctor removed from the order

“I’ll go practice elsewhere!” : came for a sore throat in Agde, he imposed a gynecological examination on her, the doctor removed from the order
“I’ll go practice elsewhere!” : came for a sore throat in Agde, he imposed a gynecological examination on her, the doctor removed from the order

Daniel Féret, founder of the National Front in Belgium, former European deputy, was sentenced to one year in prison, in Béziers, in July 2023, for the sexual assault of one of his patients, in Agde. He was removed from the national order of doctors by judgment of June 13.

A year ago, Doctor Daniel Féret, a graduate in Belgium, working at the Hellènes medical center in Agde, was sentenced to a one-year suspended prison sentence and banned from practicing medicine. He was prosecuted for acts of sexual assault after a complaint filed in 2014. One of his patients had her breasts and the top of the pubis felt when she came to consult for a sore throat. During the judgment, before the Béziers court, this 80-year-old individual was also registered in the national sex offender file.

“I’ll go practice somewhere else!”

He had appealed the judgment, which allowed him to continue his activity despite his conviction in the Agde medical center. He declared himself innocent at the end of the hearing in July 2023.

“I am fed up with this country and I am going to practice in another country. I have 56 years of practicing medicine and I am being dragged through the mud. I can no longer practice medicine in a country where they can’t touch people. That’s what I learned in college. We examine, we touch and we treat.

The national disciplinary chamber of the order of physicians has just banned him from practicing his profession in France. The judgment was made public on June 13. The removal, subject to appeal, from the register of the order of physicians of Occitanie pronounced on March 21, 2022, has therefore been retained nationally. It will take effect on June 1is September 2024.

Creator of the National Front in Belgium

Since the start of this affair, ten years have passed and two other victims have declared themselves against this Belgian, former MEP and creator of the National Front in his country. He could therefore find himself before French justice facing the two other plaintiffs.

“I am relieved”

“I am relieved, his victim told us. He was convicted and continued to practice his profession. People could potentially be threatened. It reassures me to know that he will no longer be able to be a doctor. I had come for a sore throat, he imposed a gynecological examination on me.”



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