reactions to the results in Maine-et-Loire

reactions to the results in Maine-et-Loire
reactions to the results in Maine-et-Loire

The results of the 2024 legislative elections fell in the third (Saumur north), fourth (Saumur south) and fifth (Cholet) constituencies. The National Rally candidates came out on top in the third and fourth, in the fifth it was the candidate of the presidential majority, Denis Masséglia, who obtained the most votes, ahead of Gilles Bourdouleix.

Read also: Legislative elections in Maine-et-Loire: the results of the first round in your constituencies

Candidates and political leaders from Maine-et-Loire have reacted to these initial results.

Nicole Dubré-Chirat (Renaissance), candidate in 6e Angers Mauges constituency

“The situation is still quite worrying with the risk that we will have difficulties operating at the level of the Assembly, but it is the will of the citizens. We were prepared for such scores for the National Rally even if we hoped that it would not be at this level. I ran a grassroots campaign, people know me. We had doubts about the bonus for the incumbent, it worked. I am rather satisfied at home, in Maine-et-Loire, less so at the national level. Anger has been growing for years.”

Édouard Bourgeault (National Rally), candidate in the 3e Saumur North constituency

“I am very honored but not surprised because I was already hearing on the ground the voters who had a desire for change and we are the ones who embodied it. For the second round, I call on all candidates of the left to vote for the RN. Tomorrow, it will not be Anne-Laure Blin who will be able to speak to Prime Minister Jordan Bardella, it will be me, the RN candidate.”

Aurore Lahondès (National Rally), candidate in 4e Saumur south constituency

Aurore Lahondès (National Rally) candidate for the 4th Saumur South constituency. | WEST FRANCE
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Aurore Lahondès (National Rally) candidate for the 4th Saumur South constituency. | WEST FRANCE

“The RN’s progress in Maine-et-Loire is impressive, compared to 2022. Everyone would qualify for the second round, at this time. It is the true majority of French people who have expressed themselves. The victory is not stolen. It demonstrates the vision of the inhabitants. In the first constituency [selon des résultats partiels à 21 h 50]those of Angers North, I am very happy to see that our candidate is doing well.

Find all the results of the 2024 legislative elections

Stéphane Piednoir, Les Républicains senator and departmental leader of the party

“We have a political landscape that has been completely deconstructed by Emmanuel Macron’s will. He is signing his political work. The French hate not having a choice. So they voted extreme. We will probably have no majority in the National Assembly. The government will be incapable of moving the country forward. I don’t see the forces to support the RN. Locally, we had LR candidates in each of the constituencies. They are getting respectable scores but we are not at our best. Candidates are sometimes on their first attempt, like Séverine Lecuyer (first constituency). In the third constituency, Anne-Laure Blin was supported by the President of the Department. The candidate of the presidential majority must take responsibility. Anne-Laure Blin maintained that she was not with the National Rally. In Cholet, the expected duel will take place. Our candidate is suffering from the Cholet situation. I am not giving voting instructions, I do not wish any votes for the extreme right or the extreme left.”

Clémence Lascaud (National Rally) in the 7e constituency (Angers-Segré), in second position [selon des résultats partiels à 22 h]

“I am delighted with this score in the first round. We have never been so high in this constituency, within the National Rally 49, we are very happy with this result. Can I close the gap with Mr. Bolo? We will see but we will do our best. We will go into the field to continue to talk to the residents, to convince them.”

Philippe Bolo (MoDem), outgoing deputy who came first in 7e constituency (Angers-Segré)

“I am satisfied with the result and what satisfies me most is the participation rate. With seven out of ten voters turning out, this means that the result is robust. Afterwards, it is still the National Rally which comes in second position. In a territory like ours, I am aware that there are things to improve for some in terms of access to health, purchasing power, mobility, housing. But on the other hand, it is a territory with a strong associative fabric, conveying values ​​of sharing and solidarity, and where there is an economic fabric with almost full employment. So, that raises questions, that means that we still have reasons for discontent. This is illustrated by this significant proportion of people turning towards the National Rally. We’re only at halftime of the match. »

Jean-Marc Verchère, Mayor of Angers

“My satisfaction is that the RN is not in the lead in our Angers constituencies. My slogan for the second round is that the four outgoing losers face the best score and that there be no loss of votes. »



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