Luscanen roundabout in Vannes: this black spot that bicycles must avoid

Luscanen roundabout in Vannes: this black spot that bicycles must avoid
Luscanen roundabout in Vannes: this black spot that bicycles must avoid

“We agree that the Luscanen roundabout (Carrefour-Boulanger connection) is authorized for bicycles? Having received several Horns and seeing the behavior of many drivers, one wonders if they have ever ridden a bike! Practicing two-wheelers in the city, I find that there is a clear lack of facilities, especially in the commercial area”, annoys Maël, a young Vannes resident, on the Facebook page “You are from Vannes si”.

Anyone who has already used it knows to what extent this roundabout is not suitable for bicycles… “Personally I avoid it as much as possible, given how dangerous it is,” explains Cécile. “This roundabout is extremely dangerous. Personally, I wouldn’t venture there by bike,” agrees Hervé.

Advice from a cycling school manager

Responsible for the cycle school of the Vélomotive association, Gwendal Jamin contributes to the debate: “Using the Luscanen roundabout is completely authorized for cycles. Some precautions to take when cycling: several entrances to the roundabout are at the top of a slight climb… As a cyclist, our speed is lower when we want to enter, hence the advantage of positioning yourself not completely to the right from the road, but rather come to the center of the lane, take your place, so as not to have a car on your left when you insert yourself. Insertion into the roundabout is not easy due to the speed of the vehicles, however positioning in the middle of the lane taken (depending on the exit to take) is essential! Do not be overtaken because a vehicle driver who does not check his blind spot before exiting could risk mowing you down. Unfortunately, it’s better to hear horns from drivers frustrated at having to live with a cycle than to get mowed down and end up in the hospital. But all these parameters are complicated to align, cohabitation is difficult, which is why cyclists prefer to use other routes…”

“Better take a detour!” »

Contacted, Maxime Hugé, the elected representative of Vannes and the Agglomeration in charge of mobility, recalls that it is the Diro, and therefore the State, which manages the development of this roundabout, located above the RN165. He recognizes that it is “dangerous” to venture there. “We strongly advise against it and we are putting alternative routes in place. Better to take a detour! »

Thus, the Sainte-Anne road, which allows you to go to the Laroiseau and Parc-Lann areas from Vannes, will soon be equipped for bicycles. The installation of the bicycle-pedestrian bridge above the RN165, during the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, goes in this direction. It will be open at the end of July. Another footbridge must subsequently be built above the railway line, between the Speedpark and Plescop, “probably in the second half of 2025”, specifies Maxime Hugé.

Another route is also being developed for bicycles, taking the following bridge over the RN165, rue de Luscanen. “There is much less traffic and we have put up signage to indicate that it is a 30 zone,” underlines the elected official. But for now, this axis allows you to drive towards Ploeren, not to catch up with Vannes: “We have launched environmental studies to set up a connection. »



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