Essaouira beach labeled “Blue Flag” for the 20th consecutive year

Essaouira beach labeled “Blue Flag” for the 20th consecutive year
Essaouira beach labeled “Blue Flag” for the 20th consecutive year

Le label international « Blue Flag“, awarded by the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection and the International Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE), was hoisted on Thursday on the beach of Essaouira for the 20th consecutive year.

An official ceremony celebrating the labeling of the Cité des Alizés beach as “Blue Flag” for the year 2024 as part of the national program “ Clean Beaches“, was organized on this occasion, in the presence of the governor of the province, Adil El Maliki, representatives of local and security authorities, heads of external services as well as actors from civil society and other personalities.

This distinction demonstrates the ongoing efforts made by local authorities and various partners and stakeholders to preserve the cleanliness and quality of this living space, while promoting sustainable and environmentally friendly development.

Thanks to awareness and education initiatives, as well as ongoing cleaning and waste management actions, the Cité des Alizés beach has been able to maintain high standards which allow it to retain this prestigious Label.

In a statement to MAP on this occasion, Mohammed Hassou, director of the port of Safi and region, welcomed this international labeling which crowns the efforts made by all the actors involved, highlighting the positive impact of this distinction on local tourism.

Read also: Spain leads the world ranking of Blue Flag beaches

« The Blue Flag not only attracts environmentally conscious visitors, but also reinforces the reputation of Essaouira Beach as a premier destination, combining natural beauty and sustainable management“, he stressed.

With this in mind, Mr. Hassou did not fail to call for the continuation of awareness-raising and environmental education efforts, in order to perpetuate the achievements and instill in future generations the importance of protecting and respecting our heritage. natural.

Same story with Mohamed Ikanbane, director of Essaouira beach, who described this distinction as “deserved recognition of the efforts made by all local stakeholders”, saying he was proud to see Essaouira beach receive the label. “Blue Flag” for the 20th consecutive year.

In this sense, he emphasized the various initiatives put in place to maintain the high standards required for this Label, such as regular cleaning programs, effective waste management systems, as well as awareness campaigns. environmental activities carried out throughout the year by local associations.

This ceremony was marked by a series of activities and speeches celebrating the city’s commitment to protecting the environment. After the official lifting of the Blue Flag, cultural and musical activities brightened up the event, creating a festive and friendly atmosphere.

Awareness stands, run by various local associations and organisations, were also set up for the occasion to inform visitors about good ecological practices and local environmental protection initiatives.

The event also includes interactive workshops for children, including recycling demonstrations and educational games on the theme of the environment.

The international Blue Flag label will fly on 27 beaches, four marinas and, for the first time in Morocco, on a mountain lake during the 2024 summer season.

With 32 sites labelled in total, the Kingdom ranks 18th among the 43 countries in the Northern Hemisphere for the number of sites labelled Blue Flag.

With MAP



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