Will Toulouse confirm its status as favorite against UBB in the Top 14 Final? The experts are categorical!

Will Toulouse confirm its status as favorite against UBB in the Top 14 Final? The experts are categorical!
Will Toulouse confirm its status as favorite against UBB in the Top 14 Final? The experts are categorical!

The Top 14 final is fast approaching. The clash between Stade Toulousain and Union Bordeaux-Bègles on Friday evening in Marseille promises to be a high-intensity rugby spectacle. The UBB clearly presents itself as the outsider against a team that recently won the Champions Cup and finished in first place in the standings. If Gironde supporters hope to see their players lift the Brennus, many think that the Stadium will achieve the double.

René Bouscatel, former president of Stade Toulousain, does not hide his admiration for his former club via La Dépêche. “I am amazed, like everyone, by Toulouse“, he confides. The Toulouse team, with its well-established collective and its exceptional individuals, seems untouchable this season. Their fluid play and their ability to adapt to all situations make them the big favorites for this final.

A favorable dynamic

For Marc Lièvremont, former coach of the Blues, all the lights are green for Toulouse. “A final is a match apart. On objective criteria everything is going in the direction of Stade Toulousain,” he says to Sud Ouest. Indeed, the team from the Ville Rose has shown impressive consistency throughout the season, which reinforces their status as favourites for the title. The technician nevertheless believes that the Bordeaux team have serious arguments to put forward.

Fabien Pelous, former captain of Stade Toulousain and the XV of France, highlights a factor that could work against his former club: refereeing. We saw in the semi-finals that cards could change the face of a match.. Pelous reminds us that in a final, refereeing decisions can have a crucial impact, and that we will therefore have to remain vigilant in this area.

On the Bordeaux-Bègles side, opinions are more mixed. Guy Accoceberry, former French international, is worried about the UBB via L’Equipe. The Bordelais, despite their undeniable talent, will have to surpass themselves to hope to compete with the Toulouse machine. But he considers that the Toulouse bench is deeper. Will the finishers make the difference at the Vélodrome?

Xavier Garbajosa, former player and coach, highlights the unwavering motivation of Toulouse residents. “Dreaming of a double today seems legitimate to me. It’s not pretension, it’s an ambition for this whole group,” he explained to Midi Olympique. With a title already in its pocket this season, Toulouse is aiming for the double, which would add a prestigious line to their already well-stocked list of achievements.

The need for the feat for Bordeaux

Cédric Heymans, former winger at Stade Toulousain, underlines for -.fr the importance for the Bordelais to achieve an exploit. “Toulouse are favourites because they have experience. They are crowned with a Champions Cup title, they have a plethora of squad. I saw them finish a little physically worn out but not as much as Bordeaux-Bègles.” The key will be to find gaps in the Toulouse defense, a major challenge for Yannick Bru’s men.

Finally, for Fabien Pelous via Sud Ouest, the result is not in doubt.I think that in the end, the mix of experience, talent and physical power will make the difference for Toulouse,” he says confidently, confident in his former club’s chances. With such a well-prepared team and players in top form, Stade Toulousain seems to have all the cards in hand to establish itself once again on the national scene.



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