Bourg-Centre contract: the city architect of major urban projects

Bourg-Centre contract: the city architect of major urban projects
Bourg-Centre contract: the city architect of major urban projects

Tuesday June 25, within the future cultural hub, the municipality, Sète Agglopôle Méditerranée and the Occitanie region signed the renewal of the Bourg-Centre contract in order to continue the implementation of major urban projects, at the heart of attractiveness and dynamism of our territory.

Michel Arrouy, mayor of Frontignan la Peyrade, François Commeinhes, president of Sète Agglopôle Méditerranée, and Florence Brutus, vice-president of the Occitanie region, in the presence of Jean-François Soto, president of the board of directors of Territoire 34, proceeded on June 25 at the signing of the Bourg-Centre 2 contracte generation 2022-2028. The future cultural hub, the location chosen to formalize the renewal of this tripartite partnership, is none other than one of the key projects carried out as part of the Bourg-Centre program. After the signing, a visit to the premises was offered in order to discover the spaces of the future cultural center, which will house 4 cinemas, a bookstore, a restaurant and a leisure room, in harmony with the architectural heritage of the old Botta cellars. .

The Bourg-Centre contract was set up with the aim of strengthening the territorial anchoring of small and medium-sized peri-urban or rural towns by enabling them to consolidate the essential role they play in their catchment area. Since Frontignan la Peyrade joined the process by signing the first generation contract in 2019, it has acquired both investment, engineering and action power thanks to the pooling of financial and operational resources that it shares with the agglomeration and the Region as well as state and departmental bodies likely to intervene on projects that fall within their own competence or systems.

Thus, to name just a few, here are the projects which are the result of the Bourg-Centre contract, carried out within our municipality: restructuring of the marina, development of the central urban boulevard phase 7 (BUC 7), renovation of the skatepark, design of a cycle path on rue du Maréchal Juin, study of urban transformation of the industrial wasteland of the former Exxon/Mobil site, etc.

Today, the second generation Bourg-Centre contract has been enriched with the environmental orientations of the Green Pact which promotes a more virtuous urban development model in order to face climate change and promote territorial balancing by reducing economic disparities and social. Consequently, each emerging project must be in line with the five strategic axes determined from the Green Deal:

  • Acting for sustainable mobility by creating a network between different modes of travel
  • Transforming the city center to make it more attractive and resilient
  • Strengthen social cohesion through the creation and renovation of local facilities
  • Investing in early childhood and education to promote equal opportunities
  • Inventing the coastline of tomorrow to anticipate climate change and think about blue growth linked to maritime activities

The Bourg-Centre contract consists of 11 actions which are divided into 30 projects

A true mosaic of projects that come together and reveal an overall coherence as they are carried out, find the flagship projects that shape the future and present of our city!

2024 – 2025

Continued creation of the cultural center with pedestrian bridge, parking in the heart of the city and development of a promenade along the Quai Voltaire incorporating 11,000 m² of renatured spaces and an extended Quai Voltaire cycle path.

Requalification of the city center with the renaturation of the Saint-Paul islet and Place Jean-Jaurès.

2024 – 2026

Thermal renovation (projected energy gain of 60%) of the Les Terres Blanches school group et de-waterproofing of 8,478 m² of courtyard.

2026 – 2028

Relocation of the station in order to the development of a multimodal exchange hub, epicenter of road, rail and cycle path access.

By 2028

The city is also working on finalizing or launching study projects concerning the creation of the intergenerational park on the old La Peyrade stadiumthe housing renovation to fight against substandard housing, rehabilitation of Maison Mathieu or the development of the central urban boulevard phase 8 (BUC 8).

On average, for the years 2022 to 2024, the city was able to count on the financing participation of up to 60% from its partners (Sète Agglopôle Méditerranée and the Occitanie region, but also the department of Hérault, the State and the Water Agency), i.e. a balance of 40% for the municipality.

Michel Arrouy, mayor of Frontignan la Peyradeunderlines the importance of the renewal of the Bourg-Centre convention for our city: “ If all urban projects are consistent with the common orientations resulting from the Green Pact, we have been able to preserve and strengthen the specificities which make Frontignan la Peyrade authentic and which contribute to its influence. This is the strength and challenge of the Bourg-Centre contract thanks to the cooperative work between the different territorial levels. Likewise, it is fundamental to give the opportunity to each child, each resident, to get involved in projects as soon as possible. This participatory approach is part of a strong political will to allow all citizens to reclaim public space to better live and experience the city. »

François Commeinhes, president of Sète Agglopôle Méditerranée : “After signing the contract for the two Balarucs, I am delighted to sign today with our partners the second generation of the Bourg-Centre 2022-2028 contract for Frontignan-La Peyrade, which aims to work for its development and to the well-being of its inhabitants, and to bring the muscat-producing city into a new era. Getting around better, promoting cultural, educational and social inclusion, improving degraded housing, reclaiming and rethinking public spaces, acting for the ecological transition are all ambitions shared by the municipality and by Sète Agglopôle Méditerranée. I would like to thank the services of the different signatory communities, municipality, agglomeration and region, who worked together to develop this framework document which constitutes a roadmap fully integrated into our territorial project, and which sets out reciprocal commitments to the service of our residents. »

Florence Brutus, vice-president of the Occitanie region : “The signing of this Bourg-Centre 2022-2028 amendment constitutes an important step in the local life of the 2e centrality of the agglomeration of Sète Agglopôle Méditerranée, 6e town in the department of Hérault.

This approach allows us to consider the future with confidence and ambition, both to face the challenges linked to the consequences of climate and economic crises, but also to strengthen a project to transform the living environment and strengthen social cohesion. .

Developing our territory requires looking to the future and looking together at how best to invest to network, develop and meet the current and future needs of residents, regardless of the territory inhabited. The role of the Occitanie region is to ensure the complementarity and balance that are essential for our fellow citizens between all territories, whether urban, rural, mountainous or coastal. This search for balance and fairness guides the territorial contractual policy that we are pursuing with the regional majority, under the leadership of the President of the Occitanie region, Carole Delga.

We wanted to go even further in the variation of the “Bourgs-Centres” contracts launched in 2017 to make municipalities more attractive, develop quality services and equipment, and meet the needs of current and future populations.

Today, we are integrating the objectives of the Green Deal into this partnership policy, to rethink all our projects with a responsible dimension, so as to move towards a new development model, always united, always partnership-based and more resilient.

In this respect, I welcome the actions envisaged in the Bourg-Centre de Frontignan La Peyrade amendment such as the energy renovation of public buildings, the development of active mobility, the greening of schoolyards and public spaces or even the desire to reconversion of industrial wastelands which constitute a strong marker of the transition underway in the municipality. »

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