The dean of La Possession, Mathilde Gonneau, celebrates her 103rd birthday

The dean of La Possession, Mathilde Gonneau, celebrates her 103rd birthday
The dean of La Possession, Mathilde Gonneau, celebrates her 103rd birthday

Sitting on the veranda, Mathilde Gonneau looked all beautiful for her birthday. It must be said that 103 years is not celebrated every day. The oldest of La Possession, who was born and raised in Dos d’Âne, now lives with her granddaughter, Jasmine. “Grandma is a strong woman. She was a housekeeper in a private home from the age of 12 to the age of 27. She took care of the yard and the house”says Jasmine Rivière. “Then she got married and had children but she continued to work in the fields.”

From her union with Bertho Gonneau were born 6 children, including 2 stillborns, 8 grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren and 1 great-great-grandchild. “It wasn’t an easy life because she had to manage her family almost alone”explains her granddaughter. “Her husband worked on the coastal road and only came home once a month or every 15 days. I also remember, I was very little, when she got up at 4 a.m. in the morning and went to take the bus, his basket on his head, to go sell flowers and make a mess in Saint-Denis”.

Today, surrounded by her family, the centenarian is enjoying her old age. “In the morning I get up and have breakfast and then I enjoy my day. I like to take care of my plants and from time to time I do a little sewing“, s’amuse Mathilde. “I pass the time and tell stories to the grandchildren. And I also like to sing and dance!”

But on the occasion of her birthday, it is not an ordinary day that awaits Mathilde. After calls and visits from relatives, it is the turn of elected officials from La Possession town hall to pass through Ms. Gonneau’s gate. “We’ve been going to her house for 4 years to wish her a happy birthday,” remembers Sylvio Dijoux, assistant delegate for seniors at La Possession. “We often meet her during the demonstrations organized by the city during the blue week.” Bouquet of flowers and gift basket in hand, he chats with the girl over coffee: “She is a lady who is full of energy and who still has her wits about her. She remembers all the dates, all the names and details of her life. She is in very good shape!”

When asked her secret to longevity, Mathilde laughs: “My medicine is a little Martini” (Laughs). “But now, I don’t drink anymore. Donkey’s cold keeps you well too.” The oldest of the Possessionnaise also draws her strength from those around her: “Every day, there are people with her”assures his granddaughter Jasmine. “The family often comes to see her. And then, she still goes out a lot: to restaurants, to the beach, even to the hotel… Grandma is still very conscious and mobile, it’s great to be able to enjoy it with her.”

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