Angers. This old palace soon to be classified as a historic monument?

Angers. This old palace soon to be classified as a historic monument?
Angers. This old palace soon to be classified as a historic monument?


Press Agency APEI

Published on

June 27, 2024 at 10:56 a.m.

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Historic Town Hall of Angers today hosts several municipal services, including the human resources department and the paleontological gallery of the natural sciences museum.

the attic of the paleontology gallery houses a 13th century framework decorated with exceptional heraldic decoration. During the June 24 meeting of the municipal council, the elected officials of the city of Angers requested the “historical monument” classification of elements of the former count’s palace.

A subscription to renovate Ronceray Abbey

The old Ronceray abbey must be subject to work renovation. These amount to 993,000 euros. Its financing is likely to benefit from a popular patronage campaign, under the aegis of the Heritage Foundation. A partnership agreement was passed to allow the launch of the subscription.

As a reminder, this listed building is today closed to the public, except in exceptional circumstances, due to necessary restoration work.

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