Marsa Maroc is changing its governance

Marsa Maroc is changing its governance
Marsa Maroc is changing its governance

Marsa Maroc has evolved its governance with major changes made during the ordinary and extraordinary AGMs on June 25. The port company announced that it had decided to set up a Board of Directors in application of the Management Board’s proposals to change the mode of administration and management.

Following the change in the Company’s mode of governance and the adoption of the formula of a public limited company with a board of directors, the AGO noted the cessation of the functions of the members of the supervisory board and the members of the Management Board and carried out the nominations of:

– Fouad Brini, Administrator;
– Tanger Med Dev Log, Administrator, represented by Mehdi Tazi Riffi;
– Mehdi Tazi Riffi, Administrator;
– Loubna Ghaleb, Administrator;
– Anouar El Jabbari, Administrative Officer;
– Mustapha El Ouafi, Independent Director;
– The National Agency for the Strategic Management of State Participations and monitoring of the performance of public establishments and enterprises (ANGSPE): Administrator, represented by Khalid El Hattab;
– The Collective Retirement Allowance Scheme: Administrator, represented by Ouafae Mriouah;
– The Moroccan Pensions Fund: Administrator, represented by Mohammed Jaber Khemlichi;
– Wafa Assurance: Administrator, represented by Boubker Jai.

A board of directors, meeting at the end of the general meetings, decided to appoint Fouad Brini president of the Board of Directors of Marsa Maroc and Tarik El Aroussi, CEO of the company. Note that the General Meeting decided to transfer the company’s head office to the address “Angle boulevard Route d’El Jadida and Rue les Papillons, Casablanca”.



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