Paris, island of resistance to the vote National Rally

People pass in front of campaign signs for the next legislative elections in Paris, Saturday June 22, 2024. THIBAULT CAMUS / AP

It was with seriousness that Anne Hidalgo, on Wednesday June 19, analyzed the political situation, ten days after the dissolution of the National Assembly by Emmanuel Macron, and three weeks before a possible arrival of the National Rally (RN) to power: “I am the mayor of a city full of hope, ready to fight against those who would like to see its humanist legacy pushed far away.”

As a preamble to a press conference dedicated to the organization of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the mayor of Paris was keen to recall “that Paris would always be a bulwark against the attacks of hatred, a beacon widely disseminating humanist values ​​and freedom. (…) In this city, the extreme right has no place. She made her lowest scores there. I welcome it.”

The mayor of Paris bases her pride in embodying this cultural exception on traditional electoral results in the capital, where the RN has never made the slightest significant breakthrough. During the 2024 European elections, the capital and its inner suburbs are the only departments in mainland France which have not placed Jordan Bardella’s party in the lead. With 8.5% of the votes, the Parisian RN list, even if it progresses by one point compared to the 2019 European elections (7.2%), emerges in sixth position, far from the 31.3% achieved at national level by the RN. Far, too, behind Raphaël Glucksmann, supported by the Socialist Party, in first position with 22.8% of the votes. Followed by the list of Valérie Hayer for the presidential camp (17.7%) and that of La France insoumise by Manon Aubry (16.7%). Adding up with the Reconquest! list, the far right still weighs 14.4%. Eric Zemmour’s list, carried by Marion Maréchal in the European elections, records, in Paris (5.9%), almost the same score as in the rest of the country (5.4%).

Also read the decryption | Article reserved for our subscribers Jordan Bardella assumes a revamped and discriminatory program for the legislative elections

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Paris, a pink-green bubble in a national navy blue ocean. Only three polling stations – out of 902 – placed the RN in the lead, in the 12e13e et 16e districts. This is not a « surprise » for Florent Gougou, teacher-researcher at Sciences Po Grenoble: “The RN has clearly strengthened in its areas of strength and has made very little progress (or even stagnated) in its areas of weakness. The RN is structurally weak in Paris due to the sociology of the city. Paris concentrates citizens with a very high level of education and populations from immigration from Africa, two segments of the population not very hostile to immigration. However, today it is still a necessary condition (but not always sufficient) to vote RN. »

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