Colomiers. Spectambul performs its circus at the Comminges hall

Colomiers. Spectambul performs its circus at the Comminges hall
Colomiers. Spectambul performs its circus at the Comminges hall

Sunday June 30 from 2 p.m., Spectambul, the associative circus school of Colomiers, will present its annual show at the Comminges hall.

It will bring together 150 student members of all ages and their teachers.

On the theme of the sea, this show will, as always, give pride of place to group work and individual performances, bringing together all the energies: those of three passionate teachers, their students and their very involved parents, and those that he must be developed to also include and support people with disabilities.

Spectambul thus carries out motivating large-scale projects. In mid-July, Mélie and Momo, Spectambul teachers, will accompany 7 girls and 4 boys aged 13 to 17 for an exchange with the Berlin circus school Juxircus.

Ten days of linguistic exchanges and circus practices, for the creation of an act which will be presented to the Berlin public on July 24.

This will be the outcome of the project started last summer in Auch, where young Germans and French people were passionately involved.

Free entry and participation, any gesture of solidarity will be appreciated, the live performance needs support.

Information and contact on the site: or at Tel. 06 76 71 41 04 or by email at [email protected].


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