Against the extreme right, the inter-union brought together 150 people this Friday in Bourges

Against the extreme right, the inter-union brought together 150 people this Friday in Bourges
Against the extreme right, the inter-union brought together 150 people this Friday in Bourges

This Friday evening, on the square in front of the old Maison de la Culture, the inter-union made up of the CFDT, Unsa, CGT, Sud Solidaires, FSU, and the Peasant Confederation called for a “democratic burst” and to “beat the far right”. The first round of early legislative elections takes place on Sunday June 30.

This Friday evening, in front of the 150 people gathered on the forecourt of the former Maison de la Culture, the inter-union composed of the CFDT, the Unsa, the CGT, Sud Solidaires, the FSU and the Confédération paysanne, called for a “democratic surge” and to “beat the extreme right”. The first round of the early legislative elections takes place on Sunday, June 30.

“Extremism that grows on hatred of foreigners”

Rachid Bouadma, departmental secretary of the CFDT of Cher, recalled that his union does not give voting instructions. “We know our place alongside workers, but we cannot be indifferent to what is happening in the country,” he added. We oppose any extremism that grows on hatred of foreigners. We call for the far-right to be defeated, wherever it is able to win. »

For the Confédération paysanne, Aurélien Chartendrault said that for “the peasants, there will never be any negotiation of anything with the extreme right. She carries a deadly, racist, homophobic, transphobic project. History will remember those who resisted.”

“The target is the National Rally”

General Secretary of the CGT in Cher, Sébastien Martineau proclaimed: “We are two days away from a shift, from continuity, or better days thanks to the New Popular Front. The demand for a social front and a political front has been heard. The target is the National Rally, which is nothing but fascism and violence. Not a voice must be missing for the social progress of the New Popular Front. »

Among the left-wing candidates in these early legislative elections, Hugo Lefelle (PS), New Popular Front candidate in the first constituency of Cher, called for “tearing off the mask of the RN”: “The RN is the heir of the FN , he is trying to steal workers’ votes. Already, he is going back on his promises and announcing retirement at 66 and no price freeze on basic necessities. His program is just an illusion. It only serves to take the votes of those who will vote against their interests. We are the only ones with a program. »

“The campaign is not over”

A program that Emma Moreira (LFI), New Popular Front candidate in the third constituency of Cher, recalled: “A minimum wage of 1,600 euros, a reorganization of public services, floor prices for farmers… My comrades, the campaign is not over, every minute counts.”

Marie-Claire Raymond



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