Vacations IUT of Créteil-Vitry-Networks and Telecommunications Department-Vitry site

Vacations IUT of Créteil-Vitry-Networks and Telecommunications Department-Vitry site
Vacations IUT of Créteil-Vitry-Networks and Telecommunications Department-Vitry site

The Networks and Telecommunications department of the IUT of Créteil-Vitry is looking for a temporary worker to provide TD/TP for the “Expression and Communication” module.

Public : first year BUT students in initial training 1 group of tutorials divided into 2 groups of practical work

Duration : 13.5 hours TD and 15 hours TP in semester 1 (September-mid-January) or 43.5 hours in total: 13.5+ (15X 2)

13.5 hours TD and 15 hours TP in semester 2 (January-June) i.e. 43.5 hours in total: 13.5+ (15X 2)

Programme :

Semester 1: text comprehension / introduction to document synthesis / oral presentation / spelling, expression / non-verbal communication

Semester 2: Summary of written documents / oral presentation / spelling, expression / non-verbal communication

Location: IUT of Créteil-Vitry – Vitry site

122 rue Paul Armangot


Availability : at least 2 half-days per week

Conditions : be a tenured national education teacher (authorization to combine)

or have a salaried activity of at least 900 hours per year or have remuneration greater than 7100 per year

or be a company director

For doctoral students, same conditions: salaried activity of more than 900 hours/year or remuneration of more than 7,100 euros/year.

Remuneration : Tutorials: €40.91

Practical work: €27.26

Please submit your application, along with a CV, before July 7, 2024.



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