Clément Beaune: to beat the RN, a coalition going from LFI to the LR?

Clément Beaune: to beat the RN, a coalition going from LFI to the LR?
Clément Beaune: to beat the RN, a coalition going from LFI to the LR?

Today, in the last square of the former presidential majority, a question seems to arise: how to face the next legislative deadlines and survive a moribund macronism while trying to give it a last breath?

Clément Beaune, former Minister of Transport, seems to have the answer. And to declare this June 25, on BFMTV: “On the morning of July 8, there are two hypotheses: either an absolute or relative majority of the National Rally, or an unprecedented alternative majority to be built. The New Popular Front can shout from the stands that it will have the majority, it will not have it. And we, we will probably not have it.”

A German solution…

After the artists’ entrance, the emergency exit. Hence this “unprecedented alternative majority to be built”of which Clément Beaune draws the possible contours: “I think we must do like our European neighbors, the Germans in particular. I am a social democrat and I want a social democratic project. But that won’t be enough. It will take a coalition that will range from socialists to environmentalists through centrists to moderate Republicans. There will be no other choice! » In short, the art of making something new with something old.

The BFMTV journalist retorts that Gérald Darmanin, Minister of the Interior, is reduced to asserting that the “country is on the right and we need another political offer and it’s a bit of a defeat for macronism”, nothing works. As if, on the edge of the precipice, Clément Beaune had decided to take a big step forward to better prepare for the future.

In fact, these statements raise several questions

The first is that constantly using foreign countries as an example is not a policy in itself. In the past, its right-wing counterparts assured that France should draw inspiration from Reaganite and/or Thatcherite policies. However, we are neither Americans nor English, nations in which the political system is also largely different from ours.

The second is that the remark also applies to Germany. All the more so because if coalitions across the Rhine are possible, even if extended to local ecologists, it is because the latter remain of the reasonable species: Joschka Fischer is not Sandrine Rousseau. He did not demerit when exercising the functions of Minister of Foreign Affairs, in the midst of the new Gulf War. Even Die Linke, the local equivalent of our rebellious France, stands on coherent positions: defense of the working class against ambient liberalism, while our Mélenchonists are now laughing at societal demands, between veiled women and women with full beards. gender transition. Nothing that could attract the popular electorate, therefore.

Elite bloc versus popular bloc?

These things said, Clément Beaune’s proposals are ultimately quite logical. Parisian MP and undoubtedly aspiring to one day replace the indestructible Anne Hidalgo, he sees clearly that in the Capital, the anti-RN alliance has already existed for a long time, a rainbow-style republican arc going from the left of the left to left to right. The only one who vaguely embodied a credible right-wing opposition was Rachida Dati, who has since joined this sinking dhow that the presidential party has become. In short, he talks about what he knows, what he sees, what is familiar to him.

But if Jean Gabin claimed that “cross the Loire, it’s adventure”, it is believed that, for Clément Beaune, beyond the ring road, France ceases to exist; with the exception, however, of a few large university cities, Nantes, Lyon, Grenoble, Toulouse and other bastions of LFI and Renaissance. Either places where the coalition they wish for remains possible against the bumpkins in peripheral areas, even if it means making a pact with a Philippe Poutou; or even a Nathalie Arthaud, for that matter… But what will these brilliant calculations be worth in this deprived France, this province certainly despised by the Parisian elites, but which still represents a large majority of the territory?

It has been a long time since a Marine Le Pen, eager to overcome a perfectly obsolete left-right divide, replaced it with a much more relevant dividing line: that opposing an elite bloc, a minority in the polls but a majority in the elections. media and National Education, and a popular bloc beginning to clearly wake up, even if it has long been “invisibilized” by this same political-media system.

It seems that Clément Beaune has still not understood that in a democracy, the people cannot forever be a simple adjustment variable. And that there is a life outside the beautiful neighborhoods of Paris.

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