Young man from La Roche-sur-Yon sentenced after bringing drugs and a loaded revolver on a bus

Young man from La Roche-sur-Yon sentenced after bringing drugs and a loaded revolver on a bus
Young man from La Roche-sur-Yon sentenced after bringing drugs and a loaded revolver on a bus


Editorial La Roche-sur-Yon

Published on

June 26, 2024 at 6:36 p.m.

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A young man from La Roche-sur-Yon was sentenced Tuesday June 25, 2024 has eleven months in prison and kept in detention by the Nantes criminal court after transporting, with an accomplice, €8,000 of “hard drugs” and a “loaded pistol” on board a Flixbus.

On May 3, 2024, around 7:30 a.m., customs had in fact stopped this long distance coach from Brussels (Belgium) at the toll barrier ofAncenis-Saint-Géréon (Loire-Atlantique), on the A11 motorway.

But at the end of checks in the holds, a backpack remained “unclaimed”. And for good reason: inside, there were more than 100 g of cannabis, 90 g of cocaine and 100 ecstasy tablets. That’s “€8,050 worth of hard drugs,” customs officials calculated.

A “loaded Smith & Wesson revolver” was also inside the bag.

Ryan and Kader were quickly arrested: aged 18 and 19 respectively, these young people from Angles and La Roche-sur-Yon had boarded the bus in Levallois-Perret (Hauts-de-Seine) under a false identify.

THE CCTV footage had also made it possible to establish that they had indeed arrived “with a gray backpack”.

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“To see the aunt of one of them”

In police custody, the two Vendéens had certified that they had “no connection” with this backpack. At the request of their lawyers, “papillary and genetic analyses” had therefore been carried out. “Two genetic profiles” were identified: Ryan’s was found in many places on the bag, and Kader’s on “the tail of the weapon”.

This Tuesday, June 25, 2024, in front of the Nantes Criminal Courtthe two defendants finally recognized as having “touched” the backpack : they had gone to Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine) “to see Ryan’s aunt”, according to the latter, but “a big guy from the neighborhood” had asked him to “bring back a bag” in exchange for “€300 “.

I knew it wasn’t necessarily legal, but I didn’t know what was in it.

The young d’Angles at the bar of the court

For his part, Kader assures that he did not see the “transaction” during which his “long-time friend” recovered the bag.

“He was far away,” confirms his co-defendant, who took his “bac exam” the day after the hearing.

The public prosecutor saw it as “a way of protecting” his friend from La Roche-sur-Yon: Kader had already been convicted “five times” for drug-related offenses.

“Completely inconceivable” requisitions

Despite everything, the young man from La Roche-sur-Yon admits to having “opened the bag” and touched the weapon, because it was “what was seen first”.

“That’s why my fingerprints are there,” explains this CAP Electricity student, who dreams of working “in catering.”

A version that doesn’t hold up, for parquet. “Both lied” and their statements “absolutely do not correspond to reality”, according to the prosecutor: the Flixbus journey was in reality an “express transport”, in “We collect the goods and leave immediately” mode.

Two years firm required

She had required under these conditions two years in prison for each of the two defendants.

“Completely inconceivable” sentences, their defense lawyers had replied. Ryan was finally sentenced to fifteen months in prison with suspended probation.

Because of his already extensive criminal record, Kader received a heavier sentence: he was sentenced to six months in prison and six months suspended on probation.Five months of a previous suspended sentence were also revoked: he was therefore incarcerated for a total of eleven months.

Together, they will also have to repay the “customs fine” of €8,050, a sum which corresponds to the value of the seized goods.

MJ (PressPepper)

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