Bizanos: deserving apprentices rewarded by the Lions Club Pau Béarn

Bizanos: deserving apprentices rewarded by the Lions Club Pau Béarn
Bizanos: deserving apprentices rewarded by the Lions Club Pau Béarn

The ceremony took place in the premises of éklore-ed Sport Business, in Bizanos, in the presence of families, supervisors, trainers, companies involved, CFA managers and some Lions. The young people rewarded were noted for their academic, professional, personal merits and the quality of their project.

17 candidates from six clubs (Pau Henri IV, Pau Navarre, Pau Béarn, Nay, Lons and Billère) were in the running. Josiane Mondot coordinated this action for the Lions clubs, highlighting “the difficult choice that the jury is faced with in the face of numerous applications and the excellence of many applications”.

The example of Elodie Verlaguet

“Motivated, hardworking, valiant, invested”, these are some of the praises addressed to Hadara Gassama, from CFA Saint-Cricq, who is pursuing a BTS in systems maintenance; Lucas Gimenes-Espana, from the CFA of the Chamber of Trades; Sébastien Pouyau, from CFA éklore CNPT in BTS sports commerce; Wissam Maarawi, from the CFA d’Assat, arrived from Syria 4 years ago to prepare for his baccalaureate; Quentin Viel, from the CFA du BTP; and Elodie Verlaguet, in BTS electro-technical at CFA Beau Frêne.

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“The only woman and top of her class, Élodie brilliantly embodies know-how and interpersonal skills,” underlined, not without pride, Georges Begarie, of the Nay Lions club, when presenting her with the prize. Élodie Verlaguet confided that her orientation was the result of chance. While assisting her electrician brother, she discovered her appetite for the subject. She then interrupted her studies in the social sector to move towards this new sector: “I have a technical streak, even if I almost gave up after the birth of my son. These last two years have been difficult, but I am nevertheless going to pursue a degree in renewable energies.”

“I believe in training and learning. It was destroyed by ideological visions years ago. Knowledge is transmitted in two ways: at school or by going into the profession. Apprentices can make the gold that will make them live,” concluded Sauveur Jaïr, zone president of the Pau Béarn Lions Club.



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