Millau. Luc Boyer opens Remso, a store for all outdoor sports enthusiasts

From July 5, “Remso” will open its doors on avenue de la République in Millau with a virtuous and innovative concept as an independent boutique. In his workshop store, Luc Boyer, a young Millavois resident, will give new life to your outdoor sports equipment and equipment.

Remso Millauit is a store for all outdoor sports enthusiasts created by Luc Boyer, a 22-year-old from Millavois. An accomplished sportsman and fan of long hikes, like that of his last journey on the GR 736, he gave to his project an economic and ecological dimension. Millau, capital of outdoor sports, was the perfect setting to develop it.


Remso was designed with the aim of spend less and consume less by repairing textiles and outdoor sports equipment, but also consume better by setting up a system for purchasing and reselling unused equipment to give it a second life.

« I have always loved everything related to textilesconfides Luc, one day I heard about the RMO (Outdoor Equipment Repairer) training in Millau and I said to myself, we have to go there ! » It must be said that Luc does not plunge into a completely unknown universe since around him the women of the family have been sewing from mother to daughter for generations.

Several machines will be used for various repairs.

After eight months of training with AFPA and hours of sewing with his mother, he was ready and decided to open a boutique workshop with the help of his father. Marc Boyerformer Millavois merchant, and local figure in the running world.

With REMSO(Recycling, Repair of Equipment and Outdoor Sports Equipment), Luc will offer different services. Repair of technical textiles and sports equipmentfrom ski pants to tent canvas, from backpack to paddle or kayak… A department of second-hand materials and equipment children and adults and the sale of clearance products, notably with a partnership that he set up with the famous brand “Red Light” during an internship in the Chartreuse mountains and which will allow him to offer quality products at advantageous prices.

His father Marc accompanies him in this new professional adventure, recently graduated from the BP JEPS APT (Professional certificate for youth, popular education and sport, mention Physical Activities for All), he will also program trail running courses, appointments contact Remso for all the details.

Give your sports equipment a new life with Remso, come meet Luc and Marc Boyer at 8 boulevard de la République, the store will be open Monday from 2:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. and Tuesday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Contact and information: 07 81 23 64 84 • [email protected]

The store is gradually filling up a few days before opening.


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