White plan triggered at the Nevers Emergency Department: you will have to call center 15 to access it

White plan triggered at the Nevers Emergency Department: you will have to call center 15 to access it
White plan triggered at the Nevers Emergency Department: you will have to call center 15 to access it

Access to the Nevers emergency room is restricted until further notice at the hospital. A memo defines the procedure to follow. To be admitted to the emergency room, you will have to go through center 15.

The white plan was triggered in the emergency room of Nevers hospital, alerting the CFDT and the emergency collective. Indeed, on June 21 at 4 p.m., faced with a more than deteriorating situation in the emergency room, measures were necessary.

The white emergency plan makes it possible to mobilize staff from other services. However, some mobilized doctors have been on sick leave since this forced mobilization. Already last weekend, emergencies were in difficulty, just like Monday June 17 when you had to be referred by center 15 to access emergencies. It’s always like that. According to the emergency collective and the CFDT health, this situation will last at least until August for the most optimistic.

Nevers emergencies will operate with limited staff on Monday June 17

Bruno Michel, doctor and member of the emergency collective, reports: “This situation attests to the ineffective measures taken by the provisional administration. Few things have progressed, others have even been damaged.”

He also wants to “recall the total absence of a solution proposed by the ARS. If we have to make a comparison between Bourges, Moulins and Nevers, they were in the same solution as us, ten years ago. Today , they are doing much better and are attractive.” (Editor’s note: The Bourges emergency services are currently in reduced service with referral through center 15, but due to work and not due to lack of staff)

Still at the emergency collective, Bruno Michel believes:

The situation is dramatic for the territory. It is above all for the Nivernais that this is problematic. Today, if doctors are leaving, it is because there is general fed up.

Positive note despite everything for the collective, “this week, they increased the remuneration to be more attractive.”

The Olympic Games, a hindrance?

Salary question, according to David Boucher at CFDT Santé, Chan would have difficulty recruiting due to the Olympic Games. Indeed, within APHP hospitals (Paris region), bonuses of up to €1,000 gross per day are distributed to doctors who work during this period. “We must add to this, the situation of Chan and its internal conflicts. This does not bode well.”

Our section Health our emergency

If on his Facebook page Chan mentioned a difficult situation with an obligation to go through “15” until June 23 at 8:30 a.m., the CFDT assures him, the situation has not changed: “You always have to go through through center 15 to access emergencies.”
Contacted, the Nevers metropolitan hospital should communicate on this subject in the coming days.

Communication en retard

However, in a memo signed by the hospital director, Florent Foucard, to all Chan staff and sent on Tuesday June 25, it is indicated: “The reception and admission of patients to the emergency reception service will only be available upon prior call from the 15th.” It is also stated that “a communication to the population will be made during the day (June 24). […] The goal is to be as educational as possible for users.”

Nothing has yet been announced this Thursday, June 26.

What to do in case of trouble ?

If you do not have a GP or if one is not available, contact SOS Médecins. You can make an appointment online at www.rdvasos.fr or contact them by telephone at 3624 and 80. Finally, call 15 before going to the emergency room.

“You will be able to speak with a regulation assistant and a doctor, who will provide you with the response best suited to your state of health. The Medical House on Call is accessible from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m., only upon prior orientation via the 15”.

Simon Dubos



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