Fighting against trivialization at all costs

Fighting against trivialization at all costs
Fighting against trivialization at all costs

The Marché des Prêcheurs in the city center can quickly take on the appearance of a court of miracles. Especially during election time. English is spoken a lot because tourists arrive in force. You can come across a classical pianist who plays timeless melodies for hours, as well as people speeding along in the bubble formed by their mp3 headphones.

Among the political teams, the Aix collective against far-right violence is also campaigning. Logically sided with the New Popular Front. A bit stunned, or even, like Francine, angry with her fellow citizens of Aix. “ Let us be worried about where France is going, I agree, but let us side with a shitty 29 years old who knows nothing and asks everything from mom, that we vote at your ages to curl up and look at the tips of your shoes, it’s beyond me ! ” thunders Francine in front of three young people aged 21 to 23, students at Arts et Métiers, who are all going to vote RN.

“On the left, we hate

France ”

« What I like is a stricter vision in the face of the laxity and the aid that we distribute to so many people. », explains the first student, who plans to go to work at the ANDUnited States. We see that being an American citizen is not as open-bar as in France. They are firmer. çIt would do us good. » For the second student, “ We never gave this party a chance. We tried all the others without necessarily being happy with them and people get into a dead end by talking about extremes, when they are no longer the same people, they are no longer extreme. », Defends the young man. The third student is moved by the fact that “ The left hates France. We saw it clearly during demonstrations against the extreme right, they tore down the French flag, called for hatred while they are the first to say they are against it. It is hypocritical “. In conclusion, this young man would like to “ that we put France back at the center of the debate. It’s good to be humanist, but we should first think about ourselves “. Francine, both a member of the Aix collective against far-right violence and of the Human Rights League (LDH), is shocked by the few minutes she spent with the three young people. “ I don’t know if I want to cry or scream. No kidding. A contradictory debate can be interesting. But there, their speech is “we are young, so we vote Bardella” Because you think I’ve always been old ? I don’t understand how you can be so narrow in your head ! “, Francine breathes before joining Philippe Sénégas, co-president of the LDH Aix, one of the twenty or so associations and progressive political parties that make up the Aix collective against far-right violence. Alain joins them and asks them for a packet of leaflets. ” I’m going to limp through the neighborhoods of Aix that could swing from one side to the other. », Explains the LDH member, determined, although also a bit desperate.

“The RN is social regression”

« What happens in Aix happens elsewhere. Natural resources are depleting and this creates selfish reactions. However, the preferred path of selfishness is the right and the extreme right “, analyses the human rights activist. has At that moment, like a mirage, two young women pass behind him with a sign: youth piss off the RN “. They are Léonie and Roxane, both 18 years old, who are running behind Roxane’s dad, Vincent, a college student in a hurry to join an anti-extreme right rally in front of the sub-prefecture (read p.5). The two young women did not need to be asked. “ The RN is social regression », they judge. « çwas scary. It’s serious to end up voting for a racist, sexist, homophobic party. The people who say the opposite, they have not read the RN program, because they openly say that they are racist. With the RN, there is no longer equality and freedom. It is against the values ​​of France », testify Léonie and Roxane. Two faces of hope in an Aix political landscape plunged into fog.



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