Passage of the Olympic Flame: who are the torchbearers?

Passage of the Olympic Flame: who are the torchbearers?
Passage of the Olympic Flame: who are the torchbearers?

On D-1, the Olympic Torch torchbearers in Sarreguemines are finally known. There will be 18 of them in total sharing the approximately 3.7 kilometers which separate the Moulin de la Blies to the Town Hall, passing the heart of the town.

The torch bearers are 11 women and 7 men. The youngest is 17 years old and the oldest is 59 years old. Among them are two well-known figures in Sarreguemines sport who have carried the colors of Sarreguemines high on the Olympic stage. First of all, in order of appearance on the route, Aurélie MULLER (Blies sector) then Yannick SZCZEPANIAK (City Hall sector)!

Aurelie MULLER, swimmer from the Sarreguemines Nautical Circle is a specialist in open water events.

At the start of her sporting career, she distinguished herself in the international junior pool championships, before choosing open water and joining the French team. After several places of honor at continental levels, she twice became World Champion in the ten kilometers in open water, in 2015 and 2017, winning a third world title with the relay during this edition.

At the 2016 Rio Olympics, she finished in second place in the 10km open water after a splendid race before being disqualified.

Yannick SZCZEPANIAKpillar of ASS Lutte, this Sarregueminois shone in Greco-Roman wrestling from a very young age.

He became junior European vice-champion in 2000 and participated in the Olympic Games in Athens in 2004 and those in Beijing in 2008. During this Olympics he won the bronze medal following the disqualification of his opponent for doping.

The 18 torchbearers

Martine HELLE – Olivier LAUER – Pierre GROUSELLE – Anne GOEPFERT – Éléonore ARON – Sabina VAN WIJK – Carolien DE KOK – Aurélie MULLER – Patrice KAUFFMANN – Jean-Marc PHILIPPE – Célia MERLE – Carine LEFOL – Laura SCHMITT-VALET – Nicolas GRY – Loïc CUERONI – Céline DE OLIVEIRA – Émeline WEYH – Yannick SZCZEPANIAK

Can’t be there?

Follow the journey of the Olympic Flame to Sarreguemines live on the France TV website (free account creation required beforehand).

Watch the Flame live



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